Telangana ev Subsidy policy 2024

Telangana ev Subsidy policy 2024

Telangana ev Subsidy policy 2024

Telangana ev Subsidy Telangana faces challenges in adopting electric vehicles (EVs), with only 70,000 EVs compared to higher numbers in neighboring states. The main obstacles include a lack of incentives, safety concerns, and insufficient charging infrastructure. Greater Hyderabad stands out with 43,000 EVs, leading the state’s efforts in EV adoption.

Telangana is lagging behind its neighboring states in electric vehicle (EV) adoption. The state has around 70,000 EVs, including 57,000 two-wheelers, 6,000 four-wheelers, and the remainder being commercial vehicles. This is significantly lower than Maharashtra with 3 lakh EVs, Karnataka with 2.5 lakh, Tamil Nadu with 1.7 lakh, and Kerala, which has a comparable population but boasts 1 lakh EVs, according to data from the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

According to records from the Road Transport Authority (RTA), electric vehicles (EVs) account for only 0.4% of Telangana’s total vehicle population of 1.6 crore. Greater Hyderabad contributes significantly to the state’s EV fleet, with 43,000 EVs, making up 60% of the total. Experts attribute this low adoption rate to factors such as the lack of state incentives, public concerns about battery safety, and a shortage of charging stations.

Unlike states such as Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Delhi, which provide subsidies on EV purchases, Telangana only offers exemptions on road tax and registration fees, favoring manufacturers rather than buyers.

N. Venugopal Rao, the Chief Marketing Officer of Keto Motors, claimed that some banks do not offer loans for EV purchases. He mentioned that monthly EV sales in the state range between 300 and 400 units, with prices for two-wheelers ranging from 1.5 lakh to 2 lakh and over 11 lakh for four-wheelers, making EVs financially unviable for many people.

Safety concerns also deter potential buyers. Aditya Verma, an IT professional, chose a conventional scooter over an e-bike due to worries about battery failures and explosions. Similarly, CK Kalyan expressed dissatisfaction with the inadequate charging infrastructure in his area, highlighting the inconvenience of traveling long distances to charge and the high cost per kilowatt-hour.

While states like Gujarat and Delhi offer substantial incentives for EV adoption, Telangana lags in providing similar benefits. Chetana Chakravarthy, Director of Quantum Energy, emphasized the need for state incentives and awareness campaigns to boost EV sales in Telangana. Vinod Kanumla of the Indian Federation of Road Safety highlighted the fear among motorists, particularly regarding the high costs and safety risks associated with EV batteries.

The Case for a Robust EV Subsidy Program

To address these challenges and boost EV adoption, Telangana needs to introduce a comprehensive subsidy program. Here’s how such a program could make a significant difference:

  1. Lowering Upfront Costs: By providing direct subsidies on EV purchases, the state can reduce the initial cost barrier. This approach has been successful in other states and countries, leading to a surge in EV sales.
  2. Enhancing Safety Measures: Subsidies could also be tied to stringent safety standards for batteries and vehicles. This would encourage manufacturers to prioritize safety and build consumer confidence.
  3. Expanding Charging Infrastructure: A portion of the subsidies could be allocated to developing a widespread and reliable network of charging stations. Public-private partnerships could be instrumental in this expansion.
  4. Facilitating Financing Options: Working with banks and financial institutions to offer attractive loan schemes for EV buyers would make EVs more accessible to a broader audience.
  5. Running Awareness Campaigns: State-sponsored campaigns to educate the public on the benefits of EVs, how to use them safely, and the long-term financial savings could shift public perception and increase adoption rates.


Under the Fame-I initiative, we have received 30 EV Chargers, comprising 5 units of 15 KW DC-001, 20 units of 10 KW AC-001, and 5 units of 122 KW, designated for installation across various Government departments to meet their specific needs.

TSREDCO has already deployed 30 EV chargers under the Fame-I program across different government departments.

Under Fame-II, the Department of Heavy Industries, GOI, has sanctioned 138 Public EV Chargers (EVCS) as part of the Central Financial Assistance scheme to be established in Telangana.

Out of the sanctioned 138 EVCS, 118 will be set up in Hyderabad, 10 in Karimnagar, and 10 in Warangal. Each EVCS will accommodate 3 to 4 chargers with 7 to 10 charging points.

These 138 EV charging stations are scheduled to be installed statewide by 2022.

As of now, Hyderabad boasts a total of 111 Public Charging Stations, including those operated by both Government and Private entities.

TSREDCO plans to install 600 Charging Stations over the next 3 years under a PPP model, with locations to be provided by TSREDCO. Location identification processes are currently underway.

Implementing agencies are conducting feasibility surveys in collaboration with Location Owners, TSREDCO, and DISCOM to finalize the installation sites.

Under Frame II Allocated Charging Stations

Telangana ev Subsidy policy 2024


Maximum demand incentive available from DHI under FAME India Scheme Phase II will be as given below

Category A: 70% of the EV Chargers cost ( For Public Charging Stations)​

Category B: 100% of the EV Chargers cost ( For Government Captive stations)​

Category C: 50% of the EV Chargers cost ( For Fleet Operators)

In Principal Proposed Locations for EV Charging Stations

To install these 138 Public EV Charging Stations, the following 240 locations were formally allotted by the respective departments in Hyderabad ,Karimnagar & Warangal

 HMDA : 86 Locations in Public places near by highways in Hyderabad​

 GHMC: 46 Locations in Public places and parking lots in Hyderabad​

TSSPDCL: 54 Locations in Substations in Hyderabad​

TSNPDCL : 32 Locations in Substations in warangal​

TSNPDCL : 22 Locations in Substations in Karimnagar​

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Telangana

1. What is the current status of electric vehicle (EV) adoption in Telangana?

As of [latest available data], EVs make up only a small fraction (0.4%) of Telangana’s total vehicle population, with Greater Hyderabad contributing significantly to the EV fleet.

2. What are the main challenges hindering EV adoption in Telangana?

Several factors impede EV adoption in Telangana, including the lack of financial incentives, safety concerns related to battery technology, inadequate charging infrastructure, financing issues, and a general lack of awareness about the benefits of EVs.

3. What financial incentives are available for EV buyers in Telangana?

Currently, Telangana offers exemptions on road tax and registration fees for EV purchases. However, compared to other states like Gujarat and Delhi, which provide substantial subsidies, these incentives are relatively limited.

4. Are there safety concerns associated with EVs in Telangana?

Yes, safety concerns regarding battery failures and explosions have been reported, deterring some potential buyers from opting for EVs. However, stringent safety standards and regulations are being implemented to address these concerns.

5. How is the charging infrastructure for EVs in Telangana?

The charging infrastructure for EVs in Telangana is still developing and is considered inadequate by many residents. There is a need for more charging stations, especially in rural areas, to encourage wider adoption of EVs.

6. Are there financing options available for purchasing EVs in Telangana?

While some banks may be reluctant to provide loans for EV purchases, efforts are being made to facilitate financing options and make EVs more accessible to consumers.

7. What initiatives are being taken to promote EV adoption in Telangana?

Various initiatives, including awareness campaigns, infrastructure development, and potential subsidy programs, are being considered to promote EV adoption in Telangana and address the existing challenges.

8. How can residents contribute to promoting EV adoption in Telangana?

Residents can contribute by educating themselves about the benefits of EVs, supporting initiatives aimed at improving charging infrastructure, and advocating for policies that promote EV adoption and sustainability.

9. Where can I find more information about EVs in Telangana?

For more information about EVs in Telangana, residents can refer to government websites, EV manufacturers, local EV associations, and relevant news sources covering developments in the EV sector. Additionally, participating in community forums and events focused on sustainability and clean transportation can provide valuable insights and resources.