electric vehicle subsidy by central government भारत सरकार द्वारा विद्युत वाहन सब्सिडी

भारत सरकार ने विद्युत वाहनों (Electric Vehicles – EVs) को प्रोत्साहन देने के लिए कई सब्सिडी योजनाएं शुरू की हैं। ये सब्सिडी योजनाएं देश में पर्यावरण संरक्षण, प्रदूषण नियंत्रण और ऊर्जा संरक्षण को बढ़ावा देने के उद्देश्य से लागू की गई हैं। इस लेख में हम विद्युत वाहन सब्सिडी के विभिन्न पहलुओं और उनके लाभों पर चर्चा करेंगे।

electric vehicle subsidy by central government

फेम इंडिया योजना (FAME India Scheme)

भारत सरकार ने विद्युत वाहनों के विकास और उपयोग को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए फेम इंडिया योजना (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles in India) शुरू की है। इस योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य विद्युत वाहनों के उपयोग को बढ़ावा देना और उन्हें आम जनता के लिए सुलभ बनाना है। फेम इंडिया योजना के तहत दो फेज़ शामिल हैं:

फेम I (FAME I):

यह योजना 1 अप्रैल 2015 को शुरू हुई थी और इसका उद्देश्य विद्युत वाहनों के उत्पादन और उनके उपयोग को प्रोत्साहित करना था। फेम I के तहत, सरकार ने विद्युत दोपहिया, तिपहिया, चारपहिया और बसों के लिए सब्सिडी प्रदान की थी।

फेम II (FAME II):

यह योजना फेम I की सफलता के बाद 1 अप्रैल 2019 को शुरू की गई थी और इसे तीन साल की अवधि के लिए लागू किया गया था। फेम II के तहत, सरकार ने 10,000 करोड़ रुपये का बजट आवंटित किया था। इस योजना में विद्युत बसों, यात्री वाहनों और दोपहिया वाहनों के लिए सब्सिडी प्रदान की गई है।

सब्सिडी के लाभ

फेम II योजना के तहत विभिन्न प्रकार के विद्युत वाहनों पर सब्सिडी प्रदान की गई है। इसके कुछ मुख्य लाभ इस प्रकार हैं:

  • दो पहिया वाहनों पर सब्सिडी: विद्युत दो पहिया वाहनों पर 15,000 रुपये प्रति किलोवाट की सब्सिडी प्रदान की गई है, जिससे इनकी कीमतें कम हो गई हैं और आम जनता इन्हें खरीदने के लिए प्रोत्साहित हो रही है।
  • तीन पहिया वाहनों पर सब्सिडी: विद्युत तिपहिया वाहनों पर 20,000 रुपये प्रति वाहन की सब्सिडी दी गई है, जो ऑटो रिक्शा चालकों और छोटे व्यवसायियों के लिए फायदेमंद है।
  • चार पहिया वाहनों पर सब्सिडी: विद्युत चार पहिया यात्री वाहनों पर 1.5 लाख रुपये की सब्सिडी प्रदान की गई है, जिससे इन्हें अधिक लोग अपनाने लगे हैं।
  • बसों पर सब्सिडी: विद्युत बसों पर सरकार ने 50 लाख रुपये प्रति बस की सब्सिडी प्रदान की है, जिससे विभिन्न शहरों में सार्वजनिक परिवहन के लिए इनका उपयोग बढ़ा है।

चार्जिंग इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर का विकास

विद्युत वाहनों के सफल उपयोग के लिए चार्जिंग इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर का विकास भी आवश्यक है। फेम II योजना के तहत सरकार ने चार्जिंग स्टेशनों के विकास के लिए भी निधि आवंटित की है। इसमें सार्वजनिक चार्जिंग स्टेशनों के निर्माण और घरों में चार्जिंग पॉइंट्स के लिए सब्सिडी प्रदान की गई है। इस कदम से विद्युत वाहनों की चार्जिंग सुविधा बेहतर हुई है और उनके उपयोग में वृद्धि हुई है।

राज्य सरकारों की पहल

केंद्र सरकार के अलावा, विभिन्न राज्य सरकारों ने भी विद्युत वाहनों को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए अपनी-अपनी सब्सिडी योजनाएं शुरू की हैं। महाराष्ट्र, दिल्ली, गुजरात, और तमिलनाडु जैसे राज्यों ने विद्युत वाहनों पर अतिरिक्त सब्सिडी और टैक्स छूट प्रदान की है। इन योजनाओं से राज्य स्तर पर भी विद्युत वाहनों के उपयोग में वृद्धि हुई है।

भविष्य की संभावनाएं

भारत में विद्युत वाहनों के लिए सब्सिडी और प्रोत्साहन योजनाओं के चलते इनका भविष्य उज्ज्वल दिखाई दे रहा है। बढ़ते पर्यावरणीय मुद्दों और जीवाश्म ईंधन की सीमितता के कारण, विद्युत वाहन ही आने वाले समय का परिवहन साधन बन सकते हैं। इसके साथ ही, विद्युत वाहन निर्माताओं और तकनीकी विशेषज्ञों के लिए भी नए अवसर उत्पन्न हो रहे हैं।

भारत सरकार की विद्युत वाहन सब्सिडी योजनाएं देश में परिवहन के क्षेत्र में एक महत्वपूर्ण बदलाव ला रही हैं। इन योजनाओं से न केवल पर्यावरण संरक्षण और प्रदूषण नियंत्रण में मदद मिल रही है, बल्कि आम जनता के लिए भी एक सस्ता और सुलभ परिवहन साधन उपलब्ध हो रहा है। भविष्य में, इन योजनाओं के और भी बेहतर परिणाम देखने को मिल सकते हैं, जिससे भारत में विद्युत वाहनों का व्यापक उपयोग सुनिश्चित हो सकेगा।


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jharkhand ev subsidy apply online

झारखंड सरकार ने इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों (EV) को बढ़ावा देने के लिए कई पहलें शुरू की हैं। इन पहलों में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है EV सब्सिडी योजना, जिसका उद्देश्य राज्य में पर्यावरण के अनुकूल परिवहन को प्रोत्साहित करना है। इस लेख में, हम झारखंड EV सब्सिडी के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया को विस्तार से समझाएंगे।

झारखंड इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन (ईवी) नीति, 2022 के तहत राज्य सरकार ने इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों की खरीद पर अनुदान देने की भी घोषणा की है। इसके तहत राज्य में नई इलेक्ट्रिक कार खरीदने पर 1.50 लाख रुपये तक, इलेक्ट्रिक स्कूटी या दोपहिया वाहन पर 10,000 रुपये, ऑटो खरीदने पर 30,000 रुपये और ई-बस खरीदने पर 20 लाख रुपये तक का अनुदान दिया जाएगा।

ईवी नीति, 2022 के तहत रोड टैक्स में छूट का भी प्रावधान है। राज्य के भीतर उत्पादन करने वाले उद्योगों से आईवीवाई के पहले 10 हजार खरीदारों को 100 प्रतिशत छूट, 10 से 15 हजार खरीदारों को 75 प्रतिशत और उसके बाद 25 प्रतिशत की छूट दी जाएगी।

राज्य सरकार ने कहा कि इस नीति को लागू करने का उद्देश्य झारखंड को IV हब बनाना और पूर्वी भारत में झारखंड को IV निर्माण इकाई का सबसे पसंदीदा राज्य बनाना है। इस नीति के तहत झारखंड की योजना 2027 तक एडवांस केमिस्ट्री सेल बैटरी बनाने की है,

जिसके तहत शहरी क्षेत्र में हर तीन किमी. हर 10 लाख की आबादी पर 50 चार्जिंग स्टेशन खोले जाएंगे। इसके अलावा नेशनल हाईवे पर हर 25 किमी पर एक चार्जिंग स्टेशन बनाया जाएगा। ईवी चार्जिंग स्टेशन खोलने पर 50 से 60 फीसदी सब्सिडी का प्रावधान किया गया है और राज्य में ईवी मैन्युफैक्चरिंग यूनिट लगाने पर 2 करोड़ से 30 करोड़ रुपये की सब्सिडी दी जाएगी।

राज्य सरकार ने प्रावधान किया है कि अगर राज्य सरकार के कर्मचारी दो पहिया या चार पहिया वाहन खरीदते हैं तो उन्हें 100 फीसदी ब्याज सब्सिडी दी जाएगी और सरकारी दफ्तरों में ऑफिस इस्तेमाल के लिए ईवी के इस्तेमाल पर भी जोर दिया गया है।

झारखंड EV सब्सिडी योजना का महत्व

पर्यावरणीय लाभ

  • कार्बन उत्सर्जन में कमी: EV उपयोग से कार्बन फुटप्रिंट में कमी।
  • वायु गुणवत्ता में सुधार: ईंधन आधारित वाहनों के मुकाबले कम प्रदूषण।

आर्थिक लाभ

  • लंबी अवधि में लागत बचत: ईंधन की तुलना में इलेक्ट्रिसिटी की कम कीमत।
  • सरकारी प्रोत्साहन: सब्सिडी और टैक्स में छूट।

झारखंड EV सब्सिडी के प्रकार

व्यक्तिगत सब्सिडी

  • दो-पहिया वाहनों के लिए: छात्रों और निम्न आय वर्ग के लिए विशेष सब्सिडी।
  • चार-पहिया वाहनों के लिए: परिवारों और छोटे व्यापारियों के लिए।

व्यावसायिक सब्सिडी

  • टैक्सी और ऑटो: पब्लिक ट्रांसपोर्ट को EV में बदलने के लिए।
  • कंपनी बेड़े: व्यवसायों के लिए बड़े पैमाने पर EV खरीदने पर सब्सिडी।

सब्सिडी के लिए पात्रता

व्यक्तिगत स्तर पर

  • निवास प्रमाण पत्र: झारखंड का निवासी होना अनिवार्य।
  • आय प्रमाण पत्र: आय प्रमाण पत्र प्रस्तुत करना।

व्यावसायिक स्तर पर

  • व्यवसाय पंजीकरण: व्यवसाय का वैध पंजीकरण होना चाहिए।
  • GST प्रमाण पत्र: GST पंजीकरण और रिटर्न दाखिल करने का प्रमाण।

ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया

चरण 1: पोर्टल पर पंजीकरण

  • सरकारी वेबसाइट पर जाएं: EV सब्सिडी पोर्टल पर जाएं।
  • खाता बनाएं: आवश्यक जानकारी भरें और OTP से वेरिफाई करें।

चरण 2: आवेदन फॉर्म भरें

  • व्यक्तिगत जानकारी: नाम, पता, संपर्क जानकारी आदि।
  • वाहन जानकारी: वाहन का मॉडल, निर्माता, कीमत आदि।
  • दस्तावेज़ अपलोड करें: पहचान पत्र, निवास प्रमाण पत्र, आय प्रमाण पत्र आदि।

चरण 3: आवेदन सबमिट करें

  • फॉर्म की समीक्षा करें: सभी जानकारी को ध्यान से जांचें।
  • सबमिट बटन पर क्लिक करें: आवेदन सबमिट करें और आवेदन संख्या नोट करें।

दस्तावेज़ आवश्यकताएँ

पहचान प्रमाण

  • आधार कार्ड
  • पैन कार्ड

निवास प्रमाण

  • राशन कार्ड
  • ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस

वाहन संबंधित दस्तावेज़

  • बिल ऑफ सेल
  • वाहन पंजीकरण प्रमाण पत्र

आवेदन की समीक्षा और अनुमोदन प्रक्रिया

दस्तावेज़ सत्यापन

  • ऑनलाइन सत्यापन: पोर्टल पर अपलोड किए गए दस्तावेज़ों का सत्यापन।
  • फिजिकल सत्यापन: जरूरत पड़ने पर फिजिकल सत्यापन।


  • स्वीकृति सूचना: अनुमोदन के बाद, आवेदक को ईमेल या SMS के माध्यम से सूचना दी जाएगी।
  • सब्सिडी वितरण: स्वीकृति के बाद, सब्सिडी राशि आवेदक के बैंक खाते में जमा की जाएगी।

लाभार्थियों की सफलता की कहानियाँ

रमेश कुमार, रांची

  • पेशे: शिक्षक
  • वाहन: दो-पहिया EV
  • लाभ: कम ईंधन लागत और सरकार से सब्सिडी प्राप्त।

सुमन सिंह, जमशेदपुर

  • पेशे: व्यापारी
  • वाहन: चार-पहिया EV
  • लाभ: व्यवसाय के लिए लंबी अवधि में लागत बचत।

विशेषज्ञों की राय

डॉ. अनीता वर्मा, पर्यावरण विशेषज्ञ

  • राय: “EV अपनाने से न केवल पर्यावरणीय लाभ होता है, बल्कि आर्थिक लाभ भी मिलता है।”

राजेश चौधरी, ऑटोमोबाइल विशेषज्ञ

  • राय: “झारखंड सरकार की यह पहल राज्य में EV के उपयोग को बढ़ावा देगी।”


झारखंड EV सब्सिडी योजना राज्य के निवासियों के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण पहल है, जो न केवल पर्यावरण के अनुकूल परिवहन को प्रोत्साहित करती है, बल्कि आर्थिक लाभ भी प्रदान करती है।

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tata punch ev subsidy in india टाटा पंच ईवी एक कॉम्पैक्ट एसयूवी है जिसे टाटा मोटर्स ने इलेक्ट्रिक वर्जन में लॉन्च किया है। इसका उद्देश्य भारतीय बाजार में एक सस्ती और विश्वसनीय इलेक्ट्रिक व्हीकल उपलब्ध कराना है।

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सब्सिडी दो प्रकार की होती है, राज्य सरकार सब्सिडी और फेम II सब्सिडी। राज्य सरकार अपनी ईवी नीतियों के अनुसार प्रत्येक राज्य में इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों की खरीद को बढ़ावा देती है, जिसमें सब्सिडी शामिल हो भी सकती है और नहीं भी। वाहन की डिलीवरी के बाद राज्य सब्सिडी राशि का दावा अलग से किया जाना चाहिए। FAME II सब्सिडी का मतलब है इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के तेज़ अपनाने और निर्माण के लिए चरण II सब्सिडी। इसे भारत में इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के निर्माण और उपयोग को बढ़ावा देने के लिए पेश किया गया है। यह ईवी वाहन की शुरुआती कीमत को कम करने के लिए दिया जाने वाला लाभ है जो एक्स-शोरूम कीमत का 40% या बैटरी क्षमता के प्रति KWH 15,000 रुपये हो सकता है। एक व्यक्ति जिसने पहले कभी FAME II सब्सिडी का दावा नहीं किया है, वह पात्र है। पहचान प्रमाण पर नाम पंजीकरण के दौरान दिए गए नाम से बिल्कुल मेल खाना चाहिए। सब्सिडी के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए आप निकटतम टाटा कार डीलरशिप से संपर्क कर सकते हैं। निकटतम टाटा कार डीलरशिप खोजने के लिए,

2. इलेक्ट्रिक व्हीकल्स की आवश्यकता

आज के समय में प्रदूषण और ईंधन की बढ़ती कीमतों के कारण इलेक्ट्रिक व्हीकल्स की मांग बढ़ रही है। यह न केवल पर्यावरण के लिए फायदेमंद हैं, बल्कि इनसे लंबे समय में लागत की भी बचत होती है।

3. टाटा पंच ईवी की प्रमुख विशेषताएं

  • बैटरी लाइफ: लंबी बैटरी लाइफ के साथ फास्ट चार्जिंग सुविधा।
  • रेंज: एक बार चार्ज करने पर 300 किमी तक की रेंज।
  • डिज़ाइन: आकर्षक और एयरोडायनामिक डिज़ाइन।
  • सुरक्षा: अत्याधुनिक सुरक्षा फीचर्स।

4. सब्सिडी के लाभ

सरकार द्वारा दी जाने वाली सब्सिडी का मुख्य उद्देश्य इलेक्ट्रिक व्हीकल्स को अधिक सुलभ बनाना और पर्यावरण को बचाना है। इससे उपभोक्ताओं को निम्नलिखित लाभ होते हैं:

  • कम कीमत: सब्सिडी के कारण गाड़ी की कीमत में कमी।
  • टैक्स में छूट: राज्य और केंद्र सरकार द्वारा टैक्स में छूट।
  • इंश्योरेंस में छूट: कुछ मामलों में इंश्योरेंस प्रीमियम में छूट।

5. सब्सिडी प्राप्त करने की प्रक्रिया

सब्सिडी प्राप्त करने के लिए उपभोक्ताओं को कुछ प्रक्रियाओं का पालन करना पड़ता है:

  • पंजीकरण: वाहन का पंजीकरण करते समय सब्सिडी के लिए आवेदन।
  • दस्तावेज़: आवश्यक दस्तावेज़ों का सत्यापन।
  • स्वीकृति: आवेदन स्वीकृत होने पर सब्सिडी की राशि सीधे उपभोक्ता के खाते में जमा होती है।

6. राज्यवार सब्सिडी की जानकारी

भारत के विभिन्न राज्यों में अलग-अलग सब्सिडी योजनाएँ हैं। कुछ प्रमुख राज्यों की जानकारी निम्नलिखित है:

  • महाराष्ट्र: 1.5 लाख रुपये तक की सब्सिडी।
  • दिल्ली: 1.5 लाख रुपये तक की सब्सिडी और रोड टैक्स में छूट।
  • गुजरात: 1 लाख रुपये तक की सब्सिडी।

7. सब्सिडी का प्रभाव

सब्सिडी के कारण इलेक्ट्रिक व्हीकल्स की बिक्री में वृद्धि हुई है। इससे न केवल पर्यावरणीय सुधार हो रहा है, बल्कि आर्थिक विकास भी हो रहा है।

8. टाटा पंच ईवी की तकनीकी विशिष्टताएं

  • बैटरी: लिथियम-आयन बैटरी।
  • मोटर: पावरफुल इलेक्ट्रिक मोटर।
  • चार्जिंग समय: फास्ट चार्जिंग के साथ 1 घंटे में 80% चार्ज।

9. पर्यावरणीय लाभ

इलेक्ट्रिक व्हीकल्स का उपयोग प्रदूषण को कम करने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। यह ग्रीनहाउस गैसों के उत्सर्जन को कम करता है और ऊर्जा की बचत करता है।

10. फ्यूचर प्रॉस्पेक्ट्स

भविष्य में टाटा पंच ईवी के और भी उन्नत मॉडल बाजार में आ सकते हैं। कंपनी अधिक रेंज और बेहतर फीचर्स के साथ नए मॉडल लॉन्च करने की योजना बना रही है।

11. विशेषज्ञों की राय

विशेषज्ञों का मानना है कि टाटा पंच ईवी भारतीय बाजार के लिए एक गेम चेंजर साबित हो सकती है। यह गाड़ी केवल आर्थिक दृष्टिकोण से ही नहीं, बल्कि पर्यावरणीय और सामाजिक दृष्टिकोण से भी लाभकारी होगी।

12. टाटा पंच ईवी के अन्य मॉडलों से तुलना

टाटा पंच ईवी की तुलना अन्य इलेक्ट्रिक व्हीकल्स से करने पर इसकी कुछ प्रमुख विशेषताएँ इसे बाजार में अग्रणी बनाती हैं:

  • कीमत: टाटा पंच ईवी की कीमत अन्य इलेक्ट्रिक व्हीकल्स की तुलना में काफी प्रतिस्पर्धी है।
  • रेंज: अपनी कक्षा में सबसे अच्छी रेंज प्रदान करती है।
  • सुरक्षा फीचर्स: अत्याधुनिक सुरक्षा सुविधाओं से लैस।

13. उपभोक्ता अनुभव

टाटा पंच ईवी के उपभोक्ताओं के अनुभव बहुत सकारात्मक रहे हैं। उन्होंने इसकी परफॉर्मेंस, कंफर्ट, और लागत-प्रभावशीलता की सराहना की है। कुछ उपभोक्ताओं के अनुभव:

  • रवि वर्मा: “टाटा पंच ईवी की रेंज और फास्ट चार्जिंग से मैं बहुत प्रभावित हूँ। यह मेरी दैनिक यात्रा की जरूरतों को पूरी तरह से पूरा करती है।”
  • नीलम शर्मा: “इस गाड़ी की कम कीमत और पर्यावरणीय लाभ ने मुझे इसे खरीदने के लिए प्रेरित किया।”

14. FAQs

क्या टाटा पंच ईवी पर सब्सिडी सभी राज्यों में उपलब्ध है?

नहीं, सब्सिडी की राशि और उपलब्धता राज्य विशेष पर निर्भर करती है। हर राज्य की अपनी सब्सिडी योजना होती है।

टाटा पंच ईवी की बैटरी लाइफ कितनी है?

टाटा पंच ईवी में लिथियम-आयन बैटरी है, जो 8-10 साल तक चल सकती है, और 300 किमी तक की रेंज प्रदान करती है।

क्या टाटा पंच ईवी को फास्ट चार्ज किया जा सकता है?

हां, टाटा पंच ईवी फास्ट चार्जिंग की सुविधा प्रदान करती है, जिससे इसे 1 घंटे में 80% तक चार्ज किया जा सकता है।

क्या सब्सिडी प्राप्त करने के लिए कोई विशेष दस्तावेज़ की आवश्यकता होती है?

हां, सब्सिडी प्राप्त करने के लिए पंजीकरण प्रमाणपत्र और पहचान प्रमाण सहित अन्य आवश्यक दस्तावेज़ों की आवश्यकता होती है।

क्या टाटा पंच ईवी के लिए विशेष इंश्योरेंस योजनाएं उपलब्ध हैं?

हां, कई बीमा कंपनियां इलेक्ट्रिक व्हीकल्स के लिए विशेष इंश्योरेंस योजनाएं प्रदान करती हैं, जिनमें प्रीमियम में छूट भी शामिल हो सकती है।


टाटा पंच ईवी एक उत्कृष्ट विकल्प है उन लोगों के लिए जो एक पर्यावरणीय अनुकूल, लागत-प्रभावी और सुरक्षित वाहन की तलाश में हैं। सब्सिडी की सहायता से, यह और भी सुलभ बन गया है, जिससे भारतीय बाजार में इलेक्ट्रिक व्हीकल्स की लोकप्रियता में वृद्धि हुई है। भविष्य में, इसके और भी उन्नत मॉडल आ सकते हैं, जो इसे और भी आकर्षक विकल्प बनाएंगे।

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भारत सरकार ने इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों (ईवी) को बढ़ावा देने के लिए कई महत्वपूर्ण कदम उठाए हैं। इनमें से एक प्रमुख कदम है ईवी खरीद पर दी जाने वाली सब्सिडी। इस सब्सिडी का उद्देश्य है देश में स्वच्छ और हरित परिवहन को प्रोत्साहित करना और पेट्रोल-डीजल पर निर्भरता को कम करना।

फेम-2 योजना

फेम-2 (FAME-II) योजना, जिसका पूरा नाम है “फास्टर एडॉप्शन एंड मैन्युफैक्चरिंग ऑफ इलेक्ट्रिक व्हीकल्स इन इंडिया”, भारत में ईवी उद्योग को बढ़ावा देने के लिए सरकार की प्रमुख पहल है। इस योजना के तहत इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों की खरीद पर सब्सिडी प्रदान की जाती है। यह योजना 2019 में शुरू हुई थी और इसमें 10,000 करोड़ रुपये का बजट रखा गया है।

इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन (ईवी) आज के युग में परिवहन का भविष्य माने जाते हैं। यह वाहन पारंपरिक पेट्रोल और डीजल से चलने वाले वाहनों की तुलना में पर्यावरण के लिए अधिक लाभदायक होते हैं। इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के उपयोग से कार्बन उत्सर्जन में कमी आती है और यह हरित ऊर्जा के उपयोग को बढ़ावा देते हैं।

भारत में इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन उद्योग का विकास

भारत में इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन उद्योग तेजी से विकसित हो रहा है। सरकार की ओर से विभिन्न प्रकार की सब्सिडी और प्रोत्साहन योजनाओं के माध्यम से इस क्षेत्र में निवेश को प्रोत्साहन मिल रहा है। इसका उद्देश्य न केवल पर्यावरण को सुरक्षित करना है बल्कि देश को ऊर्जा सुरक्षा की दिशा में भी आगे बढ़ाना है।

उच्चतम ईवी सब्सिडी: परिचय

ईवी सब्सिडी क्या है?

ईवी सब्सिडी सरकार द्वारा दी जाने वाली वित्तीय सहायता है, जिसका उद्देश्य इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों की खरीद और उपयोग को प्रोत्साहित करना है। यह सब्सिडी विभिन्न स्तरों पर दी जाती है, जिसमें वाहन की कीमत में कटौती, चार्जिंग इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर के विकास के लिए सहायता और अन्य वित्तीय प्रोत्साहन शामिल हैं।

सब्सिडी का उद्देश्य और महत्त्व

ईवी सब्सिडी का मुख्य उद्देश्य इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों को आम जनता के लिए सुलभ बनाना और पर्यावरणीय समस्याओं का समाधान करना है। इससे न केवल वाहनों की लागत में कमी आती है बल्कि लोग अधिक आसानी से इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों की ओर आकर्षित होते हैं।

सब्सिडी के प्रकार और योजनाएँ

केंद्र सरकार की योजनाएँ

फेम इंडिया योजना

फेम इंडिया योजना (FAME India Scheme) भारत सरकार की एक प्रमुख योजना है, जिसका उद्देश्य इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों को प्रोत्साहित करना है। इस योजना के तहत विभिन्न प्रकार की सब्सिडी और प्रोत्साहन प्रदान किए जाते हैं, जिससे इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों की लागत में कमी आती है और उनके उपयोग को बढ़ावा मिलता है।

अन्य राष्ट्रीय योजनाएँ

केंद्र सरकार की अन्य योजनाएँ भी इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए बनाई गई हैं, जिसमें चार्जिंग इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर का विकास और अनुसंधान एवं विकास के लिए वित्तीय सहायता शामिल है।

राज्य सरकार की योजनाएँ


दिल्ली सरकार ने इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के लिए कई प्रकार की सब्सिडी और प्रोत्साहन योजनाएँ लागू की हैं। दिल्ली सरकार की इन योजनाओं के माध्यम से वाहनों की खरीद पर सीधे वित्तीय सहायता प्रदान की जाती है।


महाराष्ट्र में भी इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के लिए विशेष सब्सिडी योजनाएँ हैं, जो वाहनों की खरीद और चार्जिंग इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर के विकास के लिए वित्तीय सहायता प्रदान करती हैं।


तमिलनाडु सरकार भी इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के प्रोत्साहन के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार की योजनाएँ लागू कर रही है, जिनमें वाहन की कीमत में कटौती और चार्जिंग स्टेशनों का विकास शामिल है।

अन्य राज्य

इसके अलावा, अन्य राज्य जैसे कर्नाटक, गुजरात और आंध्र प्रदेश भी इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के लिए विशेष सब्सिडी और प्रोत्साहन योजनाएँ लागू कर रहे हैं।

ईवी सब्सिडी के पात्रता मापदंड

वाहनों के प्रकार

ईवी सब्सिडी प्राप्त करने के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार के वाहनों को शामिल किया गया है, जिसमें दोपहिया, तिपहिया और चारपहिया वाहन शामिल हैं।

आवेदन प्रक्रिया

ईवी सब्सिडी के लिए आवेदन करने की प्रक्रिया सरल और स्पष्ट है। इसके लिए ऑनलाइन पोर्टल और अन्य माध्यमों से आवेदन किया जा सकता है।

आवश्यक दस्तावेज

ईवी सब्सिडी के लिए आवेदन करते समय कुछ आवश्यक दस्तावेजों की जरूरत होती है, जिनमें वाहन का रजिस्ट्रेशन प्रमाण पत्र, खरीदी की रसीद और अन्य प्रासंगिक दस्तावेज शामिल हैं।

ईवी सब्सिडी के लाभ

लागत में कमी

ईवी सब्सिडी के माध्यम से वाहनों की लागत में कमी आती है, जिससे लोग अधिक आसानी से इन्हें खरीद सकते हैं।

पर्यावरणीय प्रभाव

इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के उपयोग से कार्बन उत्सर्जन में कमी आती है और पर्यावरण को सुरक्षित रखने में मदद मिलती है।

ऊर्जा संरक्षण

ईवी सब्सिडी के माध्यम से हरित ऊर्जा के उपयोग को बढ़ावा मिलता है, जिससे ऊर्जा संरक्षण में मदद मिलती है।

ईवी सब्सिडी की चुनौतियाँ

वित्तीय प्रतिबंध

ईवी सब्सिडी के कार्यान्वयन में वित्तीय प्रतिबंध एक बड़ी चुनौती है, क्योंकि इसके लिए बड़े पैमाने पर वित्तीय संसाधनों की आवश्यकता होती है।

जागरूकता की कमी

ईवी सब्सिडी के बारे में लोगों में जागरूकता की कमी भी एक महत्वपूर्ण चुनौती है, जिसके कारण कई लोग इस सुविधा का लाभ नहीं उठा पाते।

बुनियादी ढांचे की कमी

चार्जिंग इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर की कमी भी एक बड़ी समस्या है, जिससे इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों का व्यापक उपयोग नहीं हो पाता।

ईवी सब्सिडी के सफल मामले

दिल्ली का उदाहरण

दिल्ली सरकार की सब्सिडी योजनाओं के कारण शहर में इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों का उपयोग तेजी से बढ़ रहा है। इससे न केवल प्रदूषण में कमी आई है बल्कि लोग भी इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों की ओर आकर्षित हो रहे हैं।

महाराष्ट्र का उदाहरण

महाराष्ट्र में भी इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के उपयोग में वृद्धि देखी जा रही है, जो राज्य सरकार की सब्सिडी योजनाओं का परिणाम है।

विशेषज्ञ अंतर्दृष्टि

उद्योग विशेषज्ञों के विचार

इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन उद्योग के विशेषज्ञों का मानना है कि सब्सिडी योजनाओं के माध्यम से इस क्षेत्र में और अधिक विकास हो सकता है।

सरकारी अधिकारियों के विचार

सरकारी अधिकारियों का कहना है कि सब्सिडी योजनाओं के माध्यम से न केवल पर्यावरणीय समस्याओं का समाधान हो रहा है बल्कि ऊर्जा सुरक्षा की दिशा में भी महत्वपूर्ण प्रगति हो रही है।

भारत में इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार की सब्सिडी योजनाएँ लागू की जा रही हैं। इन योजनाओं के माध्यम से वाहनों की लागत में कमी आती है और उनके उपयोग को बढ़ावा मिलता है।

भविष्य के विकास के लिए सुझाव

भविष्य में और अधिक सब्सिडी योजनाओं का कार्यान्वयन और चार्जिंग इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर का विकास आवश्यक है, ताकि इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों का उपयोग और अधिक बढ़ सके।

फेम-2 योजना के तहत विभिन्न प्रकार के इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के लिए सब्सिडी दी जाती है, जिसमें दोपहिया, तिपहिया, चारपहिया और बसें शामिल हैं। यह सब्सिडी वाहन की बैटरी क्षमता के आधार पर दी जाती है। उदाहरण के लिए, दोपहिया इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के लिए 15,000 रुपये प्रति किलोवाट ऑवर (kWh) की दर से सब्सिडी दी जाती है, जिसकी अधिकतम सीमा 40,000 रुपये है।

राज्यों द्वारा दी जाने वाली सब्सिडी

इसके अलावा, भारत के विभिन्न राज्य सरकारें भी अपने स्तर पर ईवी खरीद पर सब्सिडी प्रदान कर रही हैं। इनमें से कुछ राज्य उच्चतम सब्सिडी प्रदान कर रहे हैं:

  1. दिल्ली: दिल्ली सरकार ईवी खरीद पर विभिन्न प्रकार की सब्सिडी प्रदान करती है। दिल्ली में दोपहिया और चारपहिया इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के लिए विशेष सब्सिडी योजनाएं हैं। दोपहिया वाहनों के लिए 5,000 रुपये प्रति kWh की दर से सब्सिडी मिलती है, जिसकी अधिकतम सीमा 30,000 रुपये है। चारपहिया वाहनों के लिए 10,000 रुपये प्रति kWh की दर से सब्सिडी मिलती है, जिसकी अधिकतम सीमा 1.5 लाख रुपये है।
  2. महाराष्ट्र: महाराष्ट्र सरकार भी ईवी खरीद पर उदार सब्सिडी प्रदान करती है। राज्य सरकार दोपहिया इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के लिए 10,000 रुपये प्रति kWh की दर से सब्सिडी देती है, जिसकी अधिकतम सीमा 25,000 रुपये है। चारपहिया वाहनों के लिए 1.5 लाख रुपये तक की सब्सिडी दी जाती है।
  3. गुजरात: गुजरात सरकार ने ईवी को बढ़ावा देने के लिए 10,000 रुपये प्रति kWh की दर से सब्सिडी देने की घोषणा की है। दोपहिया वाहनों के लिए 20,000 रुपये और चारपहिया वाहनों के लिए 1.5 लाख रुपये तक की सब्सिडी दी जाती है।

भविष्य की योजनाएं

भारत सरकार और राज्य सरकारें मिलकर लगातार ईवी सब्सिडी योजनाओं को सुधारने और विस्तारित करने पर काम कर रही हैं। इन प्रयासों का उद्देश्य है 2030 तक देश में 30% इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों का लक्ष्य प्राप्त करना। इसके लिए नई तकनीकों को अपनाने, चार्जिंग इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर को विकसित करने और स्थानीय निर्माण को बढ़ावा देने पर विशेष जोर दिया जा रहा है।


भारत में ईवी सब्सिडी योजनाएं स्वच्छ और हरित परिवहन को प्रोत्साहित करने की दिशा में एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम हैं। सरकार के इन प्रयासों से न केवल पर्यावरण संरक्षण में मदद मिलेगी, बल्कि देश की ऊर्जा सुरक्षा भी मजबूत होगी। उच्चतम सब्सिडी और अन्य प्रोत्साहनों के माध्यम से, भारत इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के क्षेत्र में वैश्विक स्तर पर एक प्रमुख खिलाड़ी बनने की दिशा में अग्रसर है।

Madhya Pradesh Electric Vehicle Subsidy ev Policy 2024

Historically, mobility and fossil fuels have been closely intertwined, with electric vehicles finding success only in a few niche markets. However, over the past decade, a combination of factors has created an opportunity for electric mobility to enter the mass market. The government of Madhya Pradesh has actively focused on improving public transport through various state and central schemes such as the Dedicated Urban Transport Fund (DUTF), Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), and other foreign-aided projects. Continuous efforts are being made to expand the public transport infrastructure across the cities of Madhya Pradesh.

Madhya Pradesh Electric Vehicle Subsidy ev Policy 2024

The Urban Development and Housing Department of Madhya Pradesh has prepared the “Madhya Pradesh Electric Vehicle (EV) Policy 2019” to achieve the objectives of the Electric Vehicle Initiative (EVI). This initiative aims to accelerate the deployment of EVs in the state. The government is committed to the EVI, recognizing that adopting electric vehicles for road transport can lead to numerous benefits, including improved air quality, reduced noise pollution, enhanced energy security, and lower greenhouse gas emissions, particularly when combined with low-carbon power generation.

Despite ongoing efforts to expand the EVI network in cities, the current air quality situation in the state underscores the pivotal role that EVI can play in controlling noise and air pollution. However, the penetration of pure electric vehicles in India remains quite low, with about 0.1% for cars, 0.2% for two-wheelers, and virtually none for commercial vehicles. This is largely due to several critical hurdles: low investment in EV manufacturing capacity, high upfront purchase prices, lack of initiative in promoting the program, absence of products comparable to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, and a lack of policies discouraging the use of ICE vehicles, especially two-wheelers.

The main objective of the EVI is to significantly improve air quality by reducing emissions from the transport sector. The policy aims to drive the rapid adoption of electric vehicles so that they account for 25% of all new vehicle registrations by 2026. Currently, local bodies in the state lack the initiative required to improve air quality, but this policy will play a crucial role in addressing this issue. Additionally, there is a pressing need to foster behavioral change among citizens and build capacity among stakeholders to ensure the successful implementation of the EVI. This policy will serve as a guiding document for local bodies, setting the context, priorities, and direction for the effective implementation of the EVI across Madhya Pradesh.

Advance Battery: “Advance Battery” refers to new-generation batteries such as Lithium Polymer, Lithium Iron Phosphate, Lithium Cobalt Oxide, Lithium Titanate, Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt, Lithium Manganese Oxide, Metal Hydride, Zinc Air, Sodium Air, Nickel Zinc, Lithium Air, and other similar chemistries that are either in use or under development.

Authority: Any department, agency, or official nominated by the Madhya Pradesh Urban Development and Housing Department (MPUDHD) for enforcing or implementing the provisions of the Madhya Pradesh Electric Vehicle (EV) Policy 2019.

AC Chargers: Batteries require DC power for charging. Public chargers (also known as off-board chargers) are typically DC chargers, allowing direct charging of the batteries/vehicles. For public outlets providing AC supply to EVs, the chargers are on-board, supplied by the vehicle manufacturer.

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV): BEVs are automobiles equipped solely with an electric motor and advanced batteries with energy density comparable to or greater than Lithium Ion batteries. This policy does not cover hybrid electric vehicles with fossil fuel-based engines.

Charging: This encompasses all functions necessary to condition standard voltage and frequency AC supply current to a regulated voltage/current level, ensuring proper charging of the EV traction battery and/or supplying energy to the EV traction battery bus, thereby enabling controlled operation of on-board electrical equipment.

Charging/Battery Swapping Equipment: This equipment is exclusively used for charging or swapping the battery inside a BEV. It can be installed at existing fuel stations or dedicated charging/battery swapping stations. The policy does not include incentives for manufacturing any supporting equipment, such as transformers or junction boxes, that are not exclusive to BEV charging/swapping equipment.

Charger Classification: Instead of categorizing chargers as “slow chargers” or “fast chargers,” it is more appropriate to classify them based on power rating. The same charger can function as a slow charger for one type of vehicle and a fast charger for another. For example, a 2.5KW charger is a slow charger for a 4-wheeler but a fast charger for a 2-wheeler.

Dedicated Off-Board Charger: An off-board charger designed specifically for a certain type of EV, which may include control charging functions and/or communication capabilities.

Electric Vehicle (EV): EVs are automobiles powered by an electric motor, driven by batteries, ultra-capacitors, or fuel cells.

Electric Mobility Ecosystem: This policy addresses various components and end products of the electric mobility ecosystem. This includes electric vehicles and components such as Lithium-Ion batteries (or other advanced batteries with comparable energy/power densities), supercapacitors, fuel cell systems, EV charging equipment, hydrogen generation, storage and refueling equipment, battery swapping equipment, EV motors & controllers, other EV powertrain components, battery management systems, EV electronics, and electric harnesses integral to the functioning of an EV.

EV Charger: An EV charger, also known as Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), supplies electric energy for recharging electric vehicles. As the proliferation of EVs depends on accessible charging infrastructure, it is essential to adopt common specifications and standards for the infrastructure to ensure seamless scalability across all vehicle categories.

Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV): FCEVs are vehicles that use a fuel cell in combination with a battery or supercapacitor to power the on-board electric motor. The fuel cell generates electricity to power the motor using hydrogen as fuel.

MPUDHD: Madhya Pradesh Urban Development and Housing Department.

MPIPP: Madhya Pradesh Industrial Promotion Policy 2010, as applicable with amendments.

On-Board Charger: A charger mounted on the vehicle, designed to operate exclusively on the vehicle.

Off-Board Charger: A charger connected to the premises wiring of the AC supply network (mains) and designed to operate entirely off the vehicle, delivering direct current electrical power to the vehicle.

Private Charger: Home private chargers typically use a 230V/15A single-phase plug, delivering up to about 2.5KW of power. Consequently, vehicles can only be charged at this rate, with billing included in home metering. This will continue until a policy for differentiating home users’ EV usage is established. However, inclusion of Residual Current Devices (RCD) should be ensured, with IEC 60309 Industrial connectors used at both ends. Existing Indian safety guidelines should be followed.

Public Charger: For charging outside home premises, electric power needs to be billed, and payment collected. Charges may vary depending on the grid’s state (power-surplus or power-deficit). Power utilities may also manage the power drawn by these chargers from time to time.

Ultra-Capacitors: Also known as super-capacitors or electrochemical capacitors, ultra-capacitors are devices for storing electrical energy.


Madhya Pradesh is the second-largest state in India, covering approximately 9.5% of the country’s area (308,000 sq.km) and home to 6% (72.5 million) of its total population (Census 2011). The state has seen a 25% decadal growth in urban population according to the 2011 Census, compared to data from the 2001 Census. The transportation needs of the state are served by 4,709 km of National Highways, 10,859 km of State Highways, 19,574 km of Major District Roads, and 24,209 km of Rural Roads. The road network in Madhya Pradesh has seen traffic increase at an average rate of 12.91% from 2000 to 2010. The state’s transport policy predicts a 10% annual increase in the number of registered commercial vehicles. The distribution of all transport modes out of a total of 6 million registered vehicles in the state is shown in Figure 1.

Between 2011 and 2014 alone, over 2.3 million new vehicles were registered in Madhya Pradesh, with 90% comprising two-wheelers and four-wheelers for private transit. This translates to nearly 2,000 new two-wheelers and four-wheelers registered daily, contributing significantly to vehicular emissions and worsening air pollution.

Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) have been established in 20 cities to implement a cluster-based bus system. These SPVs, comprising authorities from various Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), facilitate, regulate, oversee, and promote intra-city and inter-city public bus transport. The project includes three major components: (i) Bus Procurement & Operation, (ii) Intelligent Transport Management System (ITMS), and (iii) Bus Terminal & Bus Stops Development. Recently, under the AMRUT scheme, 438 buses have been put into operation, connecting small cities and villages to larger cities in Madhya Pradesh. This system aims to provide citizens with access to services such as healthcare, education, and employment available in larger cities.

The Madhya Pradesh Electric Vehicle (EV) Policy 2019, valid for five years from the date of notification, recognizes the need for a new approach to promote EV adoption in the state. The policy aims to address the key hurdles to EV adoption and will be accompanied by a communication plan to raise awareness about the benefits of electric vehicles and the policy’s key elements.

This policy applies exclusively to Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), as defined in Annexure -1 of the FAME India scheme. Mild Hybrid, Strong Hybrid, and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles are not targeted by this policy. FAME India refers to the Scheme for Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid & Electric Vehicles in India, notified on March 13, 2015, by the Government of India, including any subsequent amendments.

Internal combustion engines (ICEs) have historically enabled faster and more efficient transportation of people and goods. Advances in ICE efficiency, oil drilling, and manufacturing innovations have significantly contributed to the adoption and growth of automobiles, fueling economic growth.

The Government of Madhya Pradesh understands that the transformation towards electric vehicles must begin in cities over the next decade, as charging infrastructure is developed to support EV adoption. Initial adoption is expected in public transportation, stage carriers, and commercial taxi & scooter fleet providers, where the total cost of ownership between EVs and ICE vehicles is comparable. As cost parity between EVs and ICE vehicles is achieved and charging infrastructure proliferates in cities and on highways, mass adoption of EVs could potentially occur by the end of the next decade.

The Government of India has supported EVs through incentives under the FAME Policy. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has also supported R&D and demonstration projects on various aspects of hydrogen energy, including its production, storage, and use as a fuel for generating mechanical, thermal, or electrical energy. Accordingly, the Government of Madhya Pradesh has identified Electric Mobility as a robust growth driver for the future. The state aims to be a frontrunner in building sustainable transportation infrastructure by promoting an Electric Mobility Ecosystem in Madhya Pradesh.


This policy applies exclusively to electric vehicles (EVs) and the components essential to their manufacturing and operation, such as EV charging and Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) battery swapping infrastructure. Firms benefiting from incentives under this policy will not be eligible for incentives under the industrial policy of the Government of Madhya Pradesh (GoMP). Separate guidelines will be issued for the implementation of this policy.

Private Transport: To achieve the stated goals and objectives, the policy aims to significantly replace the currently registered internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles with various electric vehicles throughout Madhya Pradesh.

Public Transport: This policy seeks to enhance (or replace) existing intracity bus fleets with electric buses to reduce energy consumption and harmful emissions in the public transport sector, thereby improving local and global air quality. In cities where electric bus operations are not feasible due to low population, e-rickshaws and e-auto rickshaws will be promoted as modes of public transport. The integration of electric buses into the current public transport bus fleets across the state will be encouraged.

Charging Infrastructure: The policy will provide guidelines for developing adequate charging infrastructure for various EVs, catering to both public and private transit needs. It will also promote the use of renewable energy in charging infrastructure.

Online Portal: An online portal will be introduced to provide information regarding EVs, application processes for EV-related incentives, and details about charging infrastructure.

Employment Opportunities: The policy aims to create new employment opportunities by promoting EV manufacturing, developing charging infrastructure, and encouraging the use of EVs in both public and private transport sectors.


The primary objective of the Madhya Pradesh Electric Vehicle (EV) Policy 2019 is to promote sustainable electric mobility and significantly improve air quality by reducing emissions from the transport sector. This policy aims to achieve 25% of all new public transport vehicle registrations being electric vehicles by 2026.

To facilitate the rapid adoption of electric vehicles in Madhya Pradesh, the policy will ensure the development of a safe, reliable, accessible, and affordable charging infrastructure ecosystem while promoting the use of renewable energy in charging infrastructure.

Additionally, this policy will implement measures to support job creation in various sectors related to EVs, including driving, selling, financing, servicing, charging, and manufacturing.


The Madhya Pradesh Urban Development & Housing Department (UDHD), Government of Madhya Pradesh (GoMP), will be the nodal department responsible for implementing the Madhya Pradesh Electric Vehicle (EV) Policy 2019.

The Government of Madhya Pradesh will establish a high-level committee comprising stakeholders from all relevant departments. The government will issue new directives to these departments to include any necessary support for promoting electric vehicles in their operational policies under the ease of doing business initiative.



Regulatory Incentive:
(a) The first 15000 electric two-wheelers or total electric two-wheelers in 5 years whichever is less, will be charged 1% (One Percent) motor vehicle tax.
(b) Vehicle registration fees will be exempted for 22,500 electric two-wheelers or total electric two-wheelers in 5 years, whichever is less.
(ii) Parking Cost: All electric two-wheelers will be provided a 100% waiver on parking charges at any Urban Local Body run parking facility for an initial period of 5 years.


Incentives will be available for two-wheelers that meet the FAME India criteria or have specifications approved by ARAI, CIRT, ICAT, VRDI, or any other equivalent government agency, or by the UDHD.

All incentives shall apply only to vehicles whose maximum power output does not exceed 250 watts. Additionally, the incentives will be applicable to vehicles that have an “Advanced Battery” as defined by the FAME framework of the Government of India.


A Shared E-Rickshaw (SR) is a small, battery-operated three-wheeler vehicle with a seating capacity of four passengers, excluding the driver. Due to their size, speed, and battery capacity, they are generally useful for short journeys and complement existing public transit options.

The number of Shared E-Rickshaws (SR) in Madhya Pradesh has grown rapidly, providing a valuable means of last-mile connectivity. This policy aims to support the use of shared e-rickshaws that are safe and compliant with regulations, as well as to encourage the replacement of e-rickshaws in addition to the FAME demand incentive.


Shared E-Rickshaws (SR) will be granted express route permissions on a first-come, first-served basis. These permissions will be provided exclusively by the respective authority, and any e-rickshaw must operate with these permissions, regardless of whether the vehicle was purchased with the incentives outlined in this policy. Purchasers will be given a choice among available routes, defined by the respective authority. These permits will authorize the purchaser to operate on the specified routes, complementing existing public transit (if available). The number of SRs on each route will be regulated to avoid over-saturation and ensure viable earning opportunities for the operators. New routes will be periodically added by the authority to accommodate all Shared E-Rickshaws (SR) and to provide optimal last-mile connectivity for public transit commuters.

Routes will be finalized by the authority, and the necessary notifications will be issued by the transport department. Routes may be changed in the future based on public demand and movement patterns. It may become mandatory to install GPS and monitoring systems in the vehicles for proper regulation and monitoring.

Regulatory Incentive:

The first 5000 Shared E-Rickshaws, or the total number of Shared E-Rickshaws within 5 years (whichever is less), will be charged a motor vehicle tax of 1%

Vehicle registration fees will be exempted for 7500 Shared E-Rickshaws or total vShared E-Rickshaws in 5 years, whichever is less.

If a permit is required for the operation of electric Shared E-Rickshaws (SR), the first 5000 Shared E-Rickshaws, or the total number of Shared E-Rickshaws within 5 years (whichever is less), will be exempt from this requirement by the transport department.

All Shared E-Rickshaws (SR) will receive a 100% waiver on parking charges at any Urban Local Body-run parking facility for an initial period of 5 years.


Passenger three-wheelers, also known as ‘Electric Auto-Rickshaws (EARs)’ or ‘Autos,’ are a crucial part of the public transport infrastructure in Madhya Pradesh. They provide last-mile connectivity and access to areas underserved by public transport. The Madhya Pradesh Electric Vehicle (EV) Policy 2019 aims to incentivize the purchase and use of new electric auto-rickshaws (‘e-autos’) instead of their ICE equivalents and promote the conversion of existing CNG autos to e-autos. The following incentives will be provided by the GoMP in addition to the FAME demand incentive:


The UDHD will recommend that the transport department phase out the registration of new ICE vehicles entirely.

The first 5000 Electric Auto-Rickshaws, or the total number within 5 years (whichever is less), will be charged a motor vehicle tax of only 1%.

Vehicle registration fees will be waived for 7500 Electric Auto-Rickshaws, or the total number within 5 years (whichever is less). If a permit is required for the operation of Electric Auto-Rickshaws, the first 5000 Electric Auto-Rickshaws, or the total number within 5 years (whichever is less), will be exempt from this requirement by the transport department.

Parking Cost:
All Electric Auto-Rickshaws will receive a 100% rebate on parking costs at any Urban Local Body (ULB) run parking facility for an initial period of 5 years.


Electric three-wheeler goods carriers are useful for low-capacity, short-haul deliveries in congested areas of the city. This policy recognizes their importance and seeks to incentivize the electrification of this fleet. Specific measures aimed at supporting this segment of vehicles are:

The first 2000 Electric Three-Wheeler Goods Carriers, or the total number within 5 years (whichever is less), will be charged a motor vehicle tax of only 1%.

Vehicle registration fees will be waived for 3000 Electric Three-Wheeler Goods Carriers, or the total number within 5 years (whichever is less).

If a permit is required for the operation of Electric Three-Wheeler Goods Carriers, the first 2000 Electric Three-Wheeler Goods Carriers, or the total number within 5 years (whichever is less), will be exempt from this requirement by the transport department.

Parking Cost:
All Electric Three-Wheeler Goods Carriers will receive a 100% waiver on parking charges at any Urban Local Body (ULB) run parking facility for an initial period of 5 years.


While the majority of the population in India relies on two-wheelers as their main mode of transportation, the use of cars is steadily increasing year by year. This trend is further fueled by the growing popularity of ride-hailing services in major cities. Through this policy, the state aims to promote electric cars as a feasible alternative for individuals and car-sharing service providers, aiming to reduce the demand for and usage of traditional ICE cars.

(a) The first 6000 electric cars, or the total number within 5 years (whichever is less), will be subject to a motor vehicle tax of only 1%.

(b) Vehicle registration fees will be waived for 9000 electric cars, or the total number within 5 years (whichever is less).

Parking Cost:

All electric cars will receive a 100% waiver on parking charges at any Urban Local Body (ULB) run parking facility for an initial period of 5 years.


Electric buses play a significant role in enhancing a city’s overall environment by offering a viable alternative to private vehicles, thus reducing the number of vehicles on the road and subsequent tailpipe emissions. Buses also promote socio-economic equity by providing access to opportunities like jobs, education, healthcare, and recreation for individuals from all walks of life.

(ii) Through this policy, the UDHD will encourage city Public Transport Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) to replace 50% of their respective fleets with electric buses by 2026. For cities lacking a functioning public transit system involving buses, all electric buses must be procured by 2030. This acquisition should align with the standards/guidelines set by the Service Level Benchmark for Urban Transport by MOHUA, which stipulates one bus per 1000 citizens.

(iii) The operation of these buses will be conducted under the auspices of city Public Transport SPVs on both existing and new routes within city limits. Routes will be finalized by UDHD, with the transport department issuing necessary notifications.

(iv) Bus operators wishing to decommission their existing diesel-powered buses and replace them with electric buses will receive monetary aid through the Dedicated Urban Transport Fund (DUTF) as determined by UDHD.

(v) All buses (Electric/ICE) governed by SPVs will be granted priority timings (departure and arrival) at bus stands/depots and allocated specific bays/priority spots.


Inter-city transportation in Madhya Pradesh has experienced significant growth in recent decades, propelled by the expanding road network. This growth is expected to continue at unprecedented levels in the coming years. Private operators have seized the opportunity to successfully operate inter-city services, leading to the flourishing of public transport across the state.

(ii) To leverage this growth, electric buses can be deployed on well-established routes connecting major cities such as Indore, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Gwalior, and Ujjain. These cities have extensive transport networks among themselves and facilitate significant citizen exchange. With advancements in battery technology, particularly the use of safer and faster-charging Lithium-ion batteries and battery swapping technology, long-distance travel has become more feasible and efficient.

(iii) Public Transport Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) from major cities will be encouraged to operate inter-city e-bus services among themselves through a Public-Private Partnership model, similar to existing arrangements. Furthermore, private operators can be incentivized to transition from ICE buses to e-buses over the next decade.

(iv) All buses (Electric/ICE) operated by SPVs will be granted priority timings for departure and arrival at bus stands/depots, and specific bays/priority spots will be allocated to them.


(i) The first 1500 electric buses, or the total number within 5 years (whichever is less), will be subject to a motor vehicle tax of only 1%.

(ii) Vehicle registration fees will be waived for 2250 electric buses, or the total number within 5 years (whichever is less).

(iii) If a permit is required for the operation of Electric Buses, the first 1500 Electric Buses, or the total number within 5 years (whichever is less), will be exempt from this requirement by the transport department.


Motor Vehicle tax, registration fees and ULB parking fee will be waived for all other electric vehicles that are eligible for FAME India demand incentives. This waiver will apply for the period of this policy i.e. 2019 – 2023.

How to Apply for Electric Vehicle Subsidies in West Bengal

How to Apply for Electric Vehicle Subsidies in West Bengal

Navigating the green frontier in West Bengal has become easier with the introduction of electric vehicle (EV) subsidies. These subsidies are aimed at promoting eco-friendly transportation, encouraging citizens to switch to electric vehicles by offering financial incentives. This initiative not only benefits the environment but also paves the way for future sustainable developments.

How to Apply for Electric Vehicle Subsidies in West Bengal

Residency and Vehicle Type Requirements

Permanent Residents

To qualify for the EV subsidy in West Bengal, you must be a permanent resident of the state. Valid address proof such as Aadhaar card or voter ID is necessary to establish your residency.

Vehicle Types

The subsidy covers both two-wheelers and four-wheelers, including vehicles for both personal and commercial use. However, the subsidy is applicable only for new electric vehicles, ensuring that the latest technology and most efficient vehicles are promoted.

Income and Tax Considerations

Income Limits

The subsidy aims to reduce the cost of green vehicles, with higher subsidies available for lower income groups. Proof of income is essential when applying for the subsidy.

Tax Filing Status

Your tax filing status can also affect subsidy details. Make sure to submit recent tax filings to comply with the eligibility criteria. Note that this subsidy cannot be combined with other state EV incentives.

Types of Electric Vehicles Covered

West Bengal is accelerating the green revolution by offering financial incentives for various types of EVs.

Subsidy Provisions for Two-Wheelers

Electric scooters and e-bikes are eligible for subsidies, encouraging eco-friendly travel with a maximum speed of 25 km/h.

Four-Wheeler and Commercial EV Incentives

Both personal and commercial electric four-wheelers, including e-taxis, can benefit from substantial subsidies. This support helps individuals and businesses transition to sustainable transportation.

Documentation Needed

Before you hit the road with your new EV, ensure you have the necessary documents ready to unlock the subsidy benefits.

Identity and Address Proof

  • Aadhaar Card: Ensure it’s up to date.
  • Voter ID or Passport: Additional proof of identity.
  • Recent Utility Bill: Typically an electricity bill to confirm your address.
  • Driving License: Proof that you are legally allowed to drive the vehicle.

Vehicle Registration and Invoice Details

  • Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC): Shows your EV is registered with the West Bengal RTO.
  • Invoice of Purchase: Details of the EV purchase, including dealer and date.
  • Insurance Policy: Proof that your EV is insured.

Application Process Step by Step

Online Application Portal Navigation

  1. Visit the Homepage: Access the dedicated EV section on West Bengal’s official transport department’s website.
  2. Create an Account: Register with accurate information.
  3. Login: Access the subsidy application area.
  4. Locate the Form: Click on the subsidy application link.

Submission of Documents and Forms

  1. Select the Form: Choose the correct subsidy form.
  2. Complete the Form: Fill in all details as instructed.
  3. Upload Documents: Attach required proofs like address and identification.
  4. Review Details: Double-check entries for accuracy.
  5. Submit: Send your application for processing.

After Submission: What Next?

Tracking Your Application Status

Stay updated on your subsidy application status by following these steps:

  1. Visit the Official EV Subsidy Portal: Log in using your application ID.
  2. Review Your Dashboard: Check for status updates.
  3. Contact Customer Support: If updates aren’t showing, reach out directly through the portal.

Handling Delays and Rejections

No update on your application? Here’s what to do:

  1. Check for Communications: Look for emails or SMS updates from the subsidy office.
  2. Ensure Document Accuracy: Verify that all documents were submitted correctly.
  3. Submit Inquiries: If problems arise, seek clarification or submit an inquiry.
  4. Reapply if Necessary: If rejected, review the reasons, correct any issues, and reapply.

Maximizing the Benefit

Complementary Government Schemes

To maximize your savings, sync your subsidy with other incentives:

  • FAME India Scheme: Benefit from additional subsidies on EVs.
  • State Tax Exemptions: Look for reductions on road taxes and registration fees.
  • Rooftop Solar Programs: Reduce electricity costs by generating your own power for your EV.

“Registration fees and road tax will be waived for electric two-wheelers (e2W) and electric four-wheelers (e4W). There will be a subsidy of Rs 10,000 per kWh of battery capacity for the first 1,000,000 e2Ws and the first 35,000 e4Ws. This subsidy is applicable to e-cars priced under Rs 15 lakh and electric scooters priced under Rs 1.5 lakh. The maximum subsidy is capped at Rs 20,000 for e2Ws, Rs 1.5 lakh for e4Ws, and Rs 13,000 for hybrid four-wheelers. These benefits will be available for the first five years following the policy’s introduction. Total incentives are Rs 20,000 for e2Ws and Rs 1.5 lakh for e4Ws. Additionally, commercial properties will receive incentives to establish battery swapping stations, although the specific details of these incentives are yet to be disclosed.”


Applying for an electric vehicle subsidy in West Bengal is a significant step towards sustainable living. The process is designed to be straightforward, simplifying the switch to electric vehicles and contributing to a greener tomorrow. By following the outlined steps and ensuring you have all necessary documentation, you can successfully navigate the application process and take advantage of these valuable incentives.


1. What is the maximum subsidy for electric two-wheelers in West Bengal?

The maximum subsidy for electric two-wheelers is determined by the battery capacity and can be substantial, ensuring that e-scooters and e-bikes are more affordable.

2. Can I apply for the subsidy if I am not a permanent resident of West Bengal?

No, only permanent residents of West Bengal with valid address proof are eligible for the EV subsidy.

3. Are commercial electric vehicles eligible for subsidies?

Yes, both personal and commercial electric vehicles, including e-taxis, are eligible for substantial subsidies.

4. What documents do I need to apply for the EV subsidy?

You will need identity and address proof (Aadhaar card, voter ID, passport), recent utility bills, your driving license, the vehicle registration certificate, the invoice of purchase, and the insurance policy.

5. How can I track the status of my subsidy application?

You can track the status of your subsidy application by logging into the official EV subsidy portal with your application ID and reviewing your dashboard for updates.

Andhra Pradesh EV Subsidy

Andhra Pradesh, a progressive state in India, is making significant strides in promoting electric vehicles (EVs) as part of its broader agenda to combat climate change, reduce pollution, and promote sustainable development. The state government has introduced several subsidies and incentives to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles among residents and businesses.

Andhra Pradesh EV Subsidy

The Need for EV Subsidies

Electric vehicles are crucial in the fight against climate change due to their lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional internal combustion engine vehicles. Additionally, EVs help reduce urban air pollution, which is a significant health concern in many Indian cities. However, the high upfront cost of EVs and the underdeveloped charging infrastructure pose substantial barriers to their widespread adoption. Subsidies and incentives play a pivotal role in mitigating these challenges and accelerating the transition to electric mobility.

Andhra Pradesh EV Policy 2018-2023

The Andhra Pradesh government unveiled its EV policy for the period 2018-2023 with ambitious goals and a comprehensive framework to support the EV ecosystem. The policy aims to attract investments, promote manufacturing, and enhance the adoption of electric vehicles in the state.

Key Objectives

  1. Achieving Electrification Targets: The policy aims to achieve 10 lakh (1 million) electric vehicles on the road by 2024.
  2. Developing Charging Infrastructure: Establish a robust network of charging stations to alleviate range anxiety and support seamless EV operation.
  3. Promoting Manufacturing: Attract investments in EV manufacturing and related components, positioning Andhra Pradesh as a hub for the EV industry.
  4. Creating Jobs: Generate employment opportunities through the establishment of EV manufacturing units and ancillary industries.

Financial Incentives and Subsidies

The state government has outlined a variety of financial incentives and subsidies to make EVs more affordable for consumers and to support businesses involved in the EV ecosystem.

For Consumers

  1. Purchase Incentives: Direct subsidies on the purchase price of electric vehicles. For instance, buyers of electric two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and cars receive a subsidy that significantly reduces the cost disparity with traditional vehicles.
  2. Registration and Road Tax Exemptions: Full exemption from road tax and registration fees for all electric vehicles purchased within the state.
  3. Interest Subvention: Interest-free or low-interest loans are provided to consumers for purchasing electric vehicles, reducing the financial burden of the initial investment.

For Businesses

  1. Capital Subsidies: Financial assistance for setting up EV manufacturing plants and related infrastructure, including battery manufacturing and recycling units.
  2. Tax Incentives: GST rebates and other tax benefits for manufacturers and suppliers of EVs and their components.
  3. Land Allotment: Priority allotment of land at concessional rates for setting up EV-related industries.
  4. Infrastructure Development: Subsidies for installing charging stations and other necessary infrastructure to create a supportive ecosystem for EVs.

Non-Financial Incentives

In addition to financial subsidies, the Andhra Pradesh government provides several non-financial incentives to promote EV adoption:

  1. Parking Benefits: Designated parking spaces in urban areas for electric vehicles.
  2. Green License Plates: Issuance of green license plates for easy identification and special privileges such as access to carpool lanes and reduced toll fees.
  3. Public Awareness Campaigns: Initiatives to educate the public about the benefits of EVs and encourage their adoption.

Infrastructure Development

The success of the EV policy hinges significantly on the development of a robust charging infrastructure. The state government is working in collaboration with private players to set up a widespread network of charging stations across urban centers, highways, and rural areas. This includes:

  1. Public Charging Stations: Establishing fast-charging and regular charging stations at key locations.
  2. Home and Workplace Charging: Encouraging and subsidizing the installation of home and workplace charging points.
  3. Battery Swapping Stations: Promoting battery swapping technology to reduce downtime and enhance the convenience of using electric vehicles.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Despite the promising framework and incentives, there are challenges that need to be addressed for the successful implementation of the EV policy:

  1. High Initial Costs: While subsidies reduce costs, EVs are still relatively expensive compared to traditional vehicles.
  2. Battery Technology: Advancements in battery technology and cost reduction are crucial for making EVs more viable.
  3. Infrastructure Readiness: Rapid development of charging infrastructure is essential to support the growing number of EVs.

The Andhra Pradesh government is continually monitoring the policy’s progress and is prepared to make necessary adjustments to ensure its objectives are met. With sustained efforts, Andhra Pradesh aims to be a leader in the electric mobility revolution in India, setting an example for other states to follow.

Manufacturing subsidy and Tariff

Subsidies for Fixed Capital Investment (FCI)

Micro Industries:

  • 25% of FCI up to a maximum of INR 15 lakhs.

Small Industries:

  • 20% of FCI up to a maximum of INR 40 lakhs.

Medium Industries:

  • 20% of FCI up to a maximum of INR 50 lakhs.

Large Industries:

  • 10% of FCI up to a maximum of INR 10 crores for the first two units.

Mega Industries:

  • 10% of FCI up to a maximum of INR 20 crores for the first two units.

Subsidies for Clean Production Measures

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs):

  • 35% subsidy on the cost of plant and machinery, up to a maximum of INR 35 lakhs.

Large Projects:

  • 10% subsidy on the cost of plant and machinery, up to a maximum of INR 35 lakhs.

Subsidies for Sustainable Green Measures

MSMEs and Large Projects:

  • 25% subsidy on sustainable green measures, excluding the cost of land, land development, preliminary and pre-operative expenses, and consultancy fees, with a ceiling of INR 50 crores.

Stamp Duty and Transfer Duty Reimbursement

  • 100% reimbursement of stamp duty and transfer duty paid, applicable only once on the land.

The EV subsidies and incentives provided by the Andhra Pradesh government represent a significant step towards a sustainable and environmentally friendly future. By reducing financial barriers and fostering a supportive ecosystem for electric vehicles, the state is paving the way for a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable mode of transportation. The success of these initiatives could serve as a model for other regions aiming to achieve similar goals.

Electric Vehicles (EVs), powered by high-density batteries or fuel cells, are becoming more economical due to the declining prices of lithium-ion batteries, advances in fuel cell research, and more affordable renewable energy sources.

In this context, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has set ambitious targets: to be among the top three states in India by 2022, the best state by 2029, and a leading global investment destination by 2050. The government has identified the Electric Mobility sector as a key growth driver for the future. It aims to lead in developing sustainable transportation infrastructure by promoting an Electric Mobility Ecosystem in Andhra Pradesh.

To establish Andhra Pradesh as a major hub for electric mobility, the government introduces the “Electric Mobility Policy 2018-23.” This policy, developed after extensive consultations with stakeholders, industrial associations, and experts, aims to support all aspects of electric mobility and accelerate the adoption of Electric Vehicles, contributing to a healthier climate. The detailed policy document is available in Annexure-I.

Under the Electric Mobility Policy, the government has approved various benefits in the following areas to ensure the viability of projects: (1) Manufacturing, (2) Charging Infrastructure, (3) Demand Creation, and (4) Research and Development.

Financial Support to Manufacturing Firms

Large Project:

  • Defined as a project with a capital investment exceeding the threshold of a medium industry and up to INR 200 crores, or creating employment for over 1,000 people.

Mega Project:

  • Defined as a project with a capital investment of more than INR 200 crores, or creating employment for over 2,000 people.

Mega Integrated Automobile Project:

  • Refers to automobile projects that include EV powertrain assembly, press shop, body shop, EV battery assembly or fuel cell assembly, assembly line, paint shop, etc., either independently or through a consortium or joint venture, at the same location. These projects must involve investments exceeding INR 1,000 crores and must bring in ancillary units with a minimum investment of INR 200 crores within 3 years.

Ultra-Mega Battery Plant (UMBP):

  • A plant set up for manufacturing lithium-ion or other advanced batteries with an annual output of 1 GWh or more, with a minimum investment of INR 1,000 crores.

Financial Incentives under the Electric Mobility Policy

  1. Micro Industries:
  • 25% of Fixed Capital Investment (FCI), up to a maximum of INR 15 lakhs.
  1. Small Industries:
  • 20% of Fixed Capital Investment (FCI), up to a maximum of INR 40 lakhs.
  1. Medium Industries:
  • 20% of Fixed Capital Investment (FCI), up to a maximum of INR 50 lakhs.
  1. Large Industries:
  • 10% of Fixed Capital Investment (FCI), up to a maximum of INR 10 crores, for the first two units in each segment of Electric Vehicles (2-wheelers, 3-wheelers, 4-wheelers, buses), battery and charging equipment, hydrogen storage, and fueling equipment manufacturing.
  1. Mega Industries:
  • 10% of Fixed Capital Investment (FCI), up to a maximum of INR 20 crores, for the first two units in each segment of Electric Vehicles (2-wheelers, 3-wheelers, 4-wheelers, buses), battery and charging equipment, hydrogen storage, and fueling equipment manufacturing.
  1. Clean Production Measures:
  • For Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): 35% subsidy on the cost of plant and machinery, up to a maximum of INR 35 lakhs, as certified by the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (APPCB).
  • For Large Projects: 10% subsidy on the cost of plant and machinery, up to a maximum of INR 35 lakhs.
  1. Sustainable Green Measures:
  • 25% subsidy on total Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) for MSMEs and Large projects (excluding the cost of land, land development, preliminary and pre-operative expenses, and consultancy fees), with a ceiling of INR 50 crores.
  1. Special Incentives:
  • Tailored incentives for Mega, Mega Integrated Automobile Projects, and Ultra-Mega Battery Manufacturing Plants, provided on a case-by-case basis.

Stamp Duty Reimbursement

  1. Industrial Land Purchase or Lease:
  • 100% reimbursement of stamp duty and transfer duty paid by the industry on the purchase or lease of land for industrial use.
  1. Leases, Mortgages, and Hypothecations:
  • 100% reimbursement of stamp duty for the lease of land/shed/buildings, mortgages, and hypothecations.

External Infrastructure Subsidy

  • The government will provide external infrastructure such as power supply, water supply, and roads to the doorstep of the industrial unit, including charging and battery swapping stations, at 50% of the infrastructure cost, with a maximum limit of INR 2 crores per project.


  • For Mega Integrated Projects, the government will offer land to dependent ancillary units at the same rates as those offered to the respective Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) (when the government allocates land to the OEM), up to a maximum of 50% of the land allocated to the OEM.


  • The Government of Andhra Pradesh will provide a fixed power cost reimbursement of Rs. 1.00 per unit for a period of five (5) years from the date of commencement of commercial production.

Additional Financial Incentives under the Electric Mobility Policy


  1. Electricity Duty:
  • The electricity duty will be reimbursed for a period of five (5) years.
  1. Dedicated Power Line:
  • A dedicated line along with a special discount for night-time/non-peak time usage will be offered for testing BEV batteries based on requirements.


  1. Water Supply Cost:
  • Water supply will be provided at 50% of the existing industrial supply tariff price for the initial three (3) years from the date of commencement of commercial production.
  1. Water Supply and Treatment:
  • The Government of Andhra Pradesh will provide water supply and facilitate/support the setup of water treatment plants in/around major auto hubs as needed.
  1. Water Treatment Plant Subsidy:
  • The government will reimburse 25% of the cost of a water treatment plant, up to a limit of INR 2 crores.

Tax Incentives

  • 100% net SGST accrued to the State will be reimbursed for a period of five (5) years for micro and small industries, seven (7) years for medium industries, and ten (10) years for large industries. This reimbursement will be limited to 100% of capex or for the stated period, whichever is earlier.

Skill Development Incentives

  • A stipend of INR 10,000 per employee per year will be provided for the first 50 employees of a single company for Micro, Small, Medium, and Large firms.

Marketing Incentives

  • 50% of the cost of participation, up to a maximum of INR 5 lakhs, will be reimbursed to a maximum of 10 MSME units per year for participating in international trade fairs.

Industrial Parks & Clusters

  1. EV Parks:
  • The Government of Andhra Pradesh will allocate 500 to 1,000 acres of land for developing EV Parks with plug-and-play internal infrastructure, common facilities, and necessary external infrastructure.
  1. Auto Clusters and Automotive Suppliers Manufacturing Centers (ASMC):
  • Developers of Auto Clusters and ASMCs specific to Electric Vehicles will be provided financial assistance of 50% of fixed capital investments in building and common infrastructure, up to a maximum of INR 20 crores.


  • Battery recycling plants will be incentivized to extract compounds from used batteries.

Financial Incentives for Private Charging Stations & Hydrogen Generation & Refueling Infrastructure

  1. Direct-Current (DC) Chargers (100V and above):
  • A capital subsidy of 25% of the value of the charging station equipment/machinery will be provided for the first 100 stations, up to a maximum subsidy of INR 10,00,000 per station.

Financial Incentives for Private Charging Stations & Hydrogen Generation & Refueling Infrastructure

  1. Direct-Current (DC) Chargers (Below 100V):
  • A capital subsidy of 25% of the value of the charging station equipment/machinery will be provided for the first 300 charging stations, up to a maximum subsidy of INR 30,000 per station.
  1. Swapping Stations:
  • A capital subsidy of 25% of Fixed Capital Investment (excluding the cost of battery inventory) will be provided, up to a maximum subsidy of INR 10 lakhs for the first 50 stations.
  1. State Goods and Services Tax (SGST) Reimbursement:
  • 100% net SGST accrued to the State will be reimbursed for the purchase of fast chargers (DC chargers of capacity 100V and above), as well as for the purchase of advanced batteries for Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) swapping.
  1. Hydrogen Generation and Fueling Plants:
  • A capital subsidy of 25% of the Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) will be provided for hydrogen generation and fueling plants, with a maximum subsidy of INR 10 Crore per unit for the first 10 units.

Financial Incentives for Private Purchase and Use towards Demand Creation

  1. Registration Charges and Road Tax Reimbursement:
  • Reimbursement of registration charges and road tax on the sale of Electric Vehicles will be provided until 2024.
  1. SGST Reimbursement for Services:
  • Reimbursement of the net SGST accrued to the State will be provided for firms involved in services such as leasing fleets of Electric Vehicles, owning or operating EV fleets, and providing charging/battery swapping/Hydrogen Stations for recharging/refueling Electric Vehicles, until 2024.

R&D Grants

  • A research grant of INR 500 Crore will fund the most innovative solutions in the mobility space. This fund will support the Center for Advanced Automotive Research (research labs working on battery, EV, EV component research, etc.), the Center for Advancement of Smart Mobility (incubators, startups, prototyping centers, etc.), research scholars, and testing and quality labs as needed.

Other Initiatives by the Government

Government Targets

  1. Conversion of APSRTC Bus Fleet:
  • The government aims to convert 100% of the APSRTC bus fleet, consisting of over 11,000 buses, into electric buses (Battery Electric Vehicles or Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles) by 2029. The first phase will involve the complete conversion of the bus fleet in the top 4 cities by 2024.
  1. Phase Out of Fossil Fuel-Based Commercial Fleets:
  • The government plans to phase out all fossil fuel-based commercial fleets and logistics vehicles in the top 4 cities by 2024 and extend this phase-out to all cities by 2030.
  1. Conversion of Government Vehicles:
  • All forms of government vehicles, including those under Government Corporations, Boards, and Government Ambulances, will be converted to electric vehicles by 2024.

Government Department Investments

  1. State Power Distribution Companies (DISCOMs):
  • DISCOMs will invest in setting up both slow and fast charging networks in government buildings and other public places. These charging points will be accessible to both government and private vehicles.
  1. Charging Infrastructure Setup:
  • DISCOMs will establish the charging infrastructure either independently or through third-party operators using appropriate Public-Private Partnership models. The costs incurred can be recovered as part of the Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR).

Initiatives Facilitating Private Infrastructure Investments

  1. Charging Infrastructure at APSRTC Depots and Public Spaces:
  • Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) depots, bus terminals, and bus stops will be equipped with charging stations. Public parking spaces will also be mandated to have charging stations.
  1. Government Building Charging Stations:
  • Government buildings will establish a roadmap to install charging or swapping stations in all parking spaces.
  1. Highway Charging Infrastructure:
  • Charging infrastructure will be installed at least every 50 km on highways and other major roads.

City & Building Codes

  1. City Code Modifications:
  • City codes will be adjusted for both public places and private buildings to accommodate the necessary infrastructural changes for charging and battery swapping stations.
  1. Urban Local Bodies Regulations:
  • Urban Local Bodies and municipality rules/regulations will be modified to allow the setup of charging and battery swapping stations within their limits as required.

Energy Sale

  1. EV Tariff Category:
  • A separate tariff category for Electric Vehicles (EVs) will be established.
  1. Time-of-Day Power Sale:
  • Time-of-day sale of power to Battery Electric Vehicles will be implemented to offer cheaper power during non-peak hours.
  1. Regulatory Framework for V2G Sale:
  • The Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (APERC) will issue regulations for vehicle-to-grid (V2G) sale of power, including from battery swapping stations.
  1. Third-Party Charging Infrastructure Providers:
  • Third-party EV charging infrastructure providers will be permitted to procure power from DISCOM at regulated tariffs and provide charging services to Electric Vehicles.
  1. Open Access for Renewable Energy Sources:
  • Third-party EV charging service providers can procure power through the open access route from renewable energy sources, regardless of demand size, with appropriate regulations and charges determined by APERC.
  1. Renewable Energy Generation:
  • Third-party EV charging service providers can establish their own renewable energy generating stations on their premises solely for charging Electric Vehicles.

Revision of Transport Regulations for Electric Vehicles

  1. Encouragement of Cloud Charging Features:
  • Cloud charging features will be promoted to facilitate digital metering and transactions using payment apps, Near Field Communication (NFC) enabled devices, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, etc., ensuring flexibility and customer friendliness.

Demand Creation

  1. Model Electric Mobility Cities:
  • Vijayawada, Vishakhapatnam, Amaravati, and Tirupati will be designated as Model Electric Mobility (EM) cities with phased goals for Electric Vehicles adoption, charging & hydrogen refueling infrastructure, and new EV-enabling building codes.
  1. Conversion of Commercial & Logistics Fleets:
  • Model EM cities will aim to convert 100% of all commercial & logistics fleets to electric by 2024, including those belonging to Government Organizations, APSRTC, Educational Institutes, Hospitals, Corporates, and other institutions.
  1. DC Public Charging Stations:
  • DISCOM will plan to install 100 DC public charging stations in each of these cities.
  1. Smart City Proposals:
  • Smart city proposals to the Central Government will include support for charging infrastructure and hydrogen fueling stations. Designated areas will be marked as “Green Zones” accessible only to non-fossil fuel-based vehicles.
  1. Infrastructure Density Goals:
  • These cities will establish specific goals for charging and hydrogen refueling infrastructure density within a defined timeline linked to the deployment targets for Electric Vehicles.
  1. Incentives for Environmentally Friendly Vehicles:
  • Higher registration, renewal, parking fees, congestion charges, taxes/cess on sale, and limitations on entry into city limits will be imposed on highly polluting vehicles to encourage the switch to environmentally friendly vehicles.

Revision of Transport Regulations for Electric Vehicles

  1. Priority Permits for Electric Autos:
  • Electric Autos will be prioritized for permits.
  1. Regulation of Low-Power Electric Rickshaws:
  • Low-power Electric rickshaws will be restricted to certain areas or outside major cities to mitigate congestion.
  1. Corporate Ownership of Electric 3-Wheelers:
  • Corporates will be permitted to own and operate electric 3-wheelers.
  1. Registration of Retrofitted Electric Vehicles:
  • Registration will be allowed for 2-wheelers, 3-wheelers, and 4-wheelers retrofitted with an electric motor and powertrain using advanced battery technologies, certified by Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) or other Government recognized agencies.
  1. Mandate for Electric Vehicles in Cities:
  • Electric Vehicles will be mandated in cities while simultaneously phasing out polluting vehicles.
  1. Phase-out of Fossil Fuel-based Vehicles:
  • Model EM cities will devise timelines for phasing out all fossil fuel-based 3 and 4-wheelers in corporate, medical, educational, and logistics fleets by 2024, with eventual implementation statewide by 2030.

Smart Mobility Corporation

  • A corporation will be established to coordinate all necessary activities for promoting the futuristic transportation needs.

The policy will be effective from the date of its issuance and will remain in force for a period of five (5) years or until June 7, 2023. The Department of Energy, Department of Transport, Roads and Buildings (TR&B), Department of Municipal Administration and Urban Development, and other relevant departments and Government Corporations will issue necessary amendments or orders as required. The incentives outlined in the Policy will be extended to industries according to guidelines to be separately notified by the Commissioner of Industries.

This order has been issued with the concurrence of the Finance (FMU-REV-I&C) Department, vide their U.O. No. 45027/498/FMU-REV-I&C) Department, dated January 29, 2018.


Electric Vehicle (EV) Subsidy in Kerala

Kerala, a state in southern India, is making significant strides towards promoting electric vehicles (EVs) as part of its broader strategy to combat climate change and reduce air pollution. The government has introduced various subsidies and incentives to encourage the adoption of EVs among its citizens. This article delves into the details of the EV subsidy scheme in Kerala, exploring its objectives, benefits, eligibility criteria, and the impact it aims to achieve.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Subsidy in Kerala

Objectives of the EV Subsidy Scheme

The primary objectives of Kerala’s EV subsidy scheme are:

  1. Reducing Carbon Emissions: By promoting EVs, the government aims to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a cleaner environment.
  2. Decreasing Air Pollution: EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, which can significantly improve air quality in urban areas.
  3. Encouraging Sustainable Mobility: The subsidy scheme supports the transition to sustainable and eco-friendly transportation.
  4. Economic Benefits: Boosting the EV market can lead to job creation in manufacturing, maintenance, and the development of related infrastructure.

Key Features of the Subsidy Scheme

Kerala’s EV subsidy scheme includes a variety of incentives for different types of electric vehicles, ranging from two-wheelers to four-wheelers and commercial vehicles.

  1. Purchase Subsidy:
  • Electric Two-Wheelers: A direct subsidy on the purchase price, reducing the upfront cost for buyers.
  • Electric Cars: Financial incentives that lower the initial cost of electric cars, making them more affordable for consumers.
  • Commercial EVs: Subsidies are also available for electric buses, trucks, and other commercial vehicles to promote their use in public transport and logistics.
  1. Tax Exemptions and Reductions:
  • Road Tax: Exemptions or reductions in road tax for EV owners, which can lead to substantial savings over the vehicle’s lifetime.
  • Registration Fees: Waivers on registration fees for EVs, further lowering the initial cost of ownership.
  1. Incentives for Charging Infrastructure:
  • Charging Stations: Financial assistance for setting up public and private EV charging stations.
  • Home Chargers: Subsidies for individuals installing home charging units, making it convenient for EV owners to charge their vehicles.
  1. Interest-Free Loans:
  • Financing Options: Interest-free or low-interest loans for purchasing EVs, provided through collaboration with financial institutions.

Eligibility Criteria

To avail of the subsidies, applicants must meet certain eligibility criteria:

  1. Residency: Applicants must be residents of Kerala.
  2. Vehicle Type: The vehicle must be a new electric vehicle, either purchased within the state or brought into the state for the first time.
  3. Registration: The vehicle must be registered with the Kerala Motor Vehicles Department.
  4. Commercial Vehicles: For commercial EV subsidies, the vehicle must be used for business purposes within the state.

Application Process

The application process for availing of the EV subsidy is straightforward:

  1. Purchase and Registration: Buy an eligible electric vehicle and register it with the Kerala Motor Vehicles Department.
  2. Apply Online: Submit an application through the official state government portal, providing necessary documents such as proof of purchase, registration certificate, and identity proof.
  3. Verification and Disbursement: The government will verify the application and, upon approval, disburse the subsidy amount directly to the applicant’s bank account.

E-Subsidy Application

Know Your E-Subsidy Application Status

E-Subsidy Status From 1/04/2023 To 30/09/2023

E-Subsidy Status From 01/10/2023 To 31/12/2023

E-Subsidy Status From 01/01/2024 To 31/03/2024

Impact and Future Prospects

The EV subsidy scheme in Kerala is expected to have several positive outcomes:

  1. Increased EV Adoption: By reducing the financial burden on buyers, the scheme encourages more people to switch to electric vehicles.
  2. Environmental Benefits: With more EVs on the road, there will be a noticeable reduction in air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Economic Growth: The growth of the EV market can stimulate economic activity, leading to job creation in various sectors including manufacturing, sales, and infrastructure development.

Charging station subsidy

  1. DC Chargers above 100V: A capital subsidy of 25% is available, up to a maximum of ₹1 lakh, for the first 100 charging stations.
  2. DC Chargers below 100V: A capital subsidy of 25% is available, up to a maximum of ₹30,000, for the first 300 charging stations.
  3. Swapping Stations: A capital subsidy of 25% of the fixed investment is available, up to a maximum of ₹10 lakhs, for the first 50 swapping stations.
  4. Charging stations will be established every 25 km on highways connecting major cities.
  5. Existing private buildings, such as malls, will receive incentives for establishing public charging stations (PCS).
  6. Newly built residential and non-residential buildings will also be incentivised to establish public charging stations (PCS).

Manufacturing subsidy and Tariff

Companies in Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam districts: Standard Investment Subsidy – 30% of Fixed Capital Investment subject to a limit of Rs. 15 lakhs. 2. Companies outside the districts of Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam: the applicable SIS will be 40% of Fixed Capital Investment subject to a limit of Rs. 25 lakhs.

Kerala’s electric vehicle subsidy scheme is a forward-thinking initiative aimed at fostering sustainable transportation and environmental conservation. By offering financial incentives and supporting infrastructure development, the government is making it easier and more attractive for citizens to adopt electric vehicles. This, in turn, will contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment and a robust green economy.

How to Apply for ev Subsidy in Assam Online Policy

How to Apply for ev Subsidy  in Assam Online Policy

The burgeoning population of over four million vehicles crowding the roads of Assam presents a daunting challenge to mobility. This influx is compounded by a substantial number of vehicles streaming in from neighboring states and other parts of the country, exacerbating road accidents and air pollution. To address these issues, the Assam government has launched numerous initiatives aimed at enhancing road conditions. These efforts encompass upgrading and widening the National Highway to facilitate smoother mobility, diminish air pollution, and combat climate change.

In this endeavor, the promotion of Electric Vehicles (EVs) or e-mobility emerges as a progressive stride. The adoption of EVs for road transport aligns with a spectrum of objectives, including the amelioration of air quality, reduction of noise pollution, bolstering energy security, and, when coupled with a low carbon power generation mix, curbing greenhouse gas emissions.

The Government of India has propelled this movement forward with its Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles (FAME) schemes. These schemes incentivize and, in certain sectors, mandate the integration of electric vehicles, with an ambitious target of achieving 30% EV penetration by 2030.

Despite these efforts, the penetration of electric vehicles in Assam remains modest at the conclusion of FAME Phase-I. A tailored strategy is imperative to address the pricing of EVs, enhance public charging infrastructure, and stimulate investments in both EV manufacturing and charging infrastructure. To encourage widespread adoption of EVs in the state, the Government of Assam aims to establish a robust infrastructure for electric vehicles, encompassing reliable power availability, a widespread network of charging points, and favorable power tariffs.


The objective is to foster and expedite the uptake of electric mobility as a means of advancing clean transportation, thereby ensuring environmental sustainability and cultivating an ecosystem for manufacturing EV components within Assam. This policy is designed to catalyze the swift adoption of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and facilitate enhancements in air quality throughout Assam, with a particular focus on major urban centers.


The primary goal is to significantly enhance Assam’s air quality by reducing emissions from the transportation sector. This policy aims to achieve this objective by promoting the rapid adoption of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), targeting for them to represent 25% of all new vehicle registrations by 2026.

Key initiatives include:

  • Establishing a robust infrastructure for electric vehicles, ensuring sufficient power supply and a widespread network of charging points, accompanied by favorable power tariffs.
  • Developing a skilled workforce for the EV industry by leveraging technical institutions within the state, thereby generating new employment opportunities in the EV sector.
  • Creating an enabling environment for both industry and research institutions to concentrate on pioneering research in EV technologies, positioning Assam as the preferred destination for electric vehicle and component manufacturing.


  • Encouraging the adoption of EV technology: Enhancing the feasibility of EVs through the provision of fiscal and non-fiscal incentives.
  • Facilitating the creation of dedicated charging infrastructure for EVs: Subsidizing investments to support the establishment of charging stations.
  • Fostering research and development (R&D) and innovation: Encouraging the setup of Research & Development Centers and Centers of Excellence throughout the state to drive advancements in EV technology.


  • The Policy will be called “Electric Vehicle Policy of Assam, 2021”


The policy will be effective from the date of Notification and will remain applicable for a duration of 5 years or until the declaration of a new or revised policy, whichever occurs earlier.


The State aims to facilitate and endorse the deployment of the first two lakh electric vehicles, whether for individual or commercial use, within the policy’s 5-year timeframe. The targeted distribution across segments is detailed as follows:

  • 2 Wheelers: 100,000 Units
  • 3 Wheelers: 75,000 Units
  • 4 Wheelers: 25,000 Units

The objective is to transition 100% of the public transport bus fleet to electric buses (Battery Electric Vehicles) by 2030.

All government vehicles are slated to be converted to electric vehicles by 2030. Starting from 2025, the purchase of only electric vehicles will be permitted.

The plan entails phasing out all fossil fuel-based commercial fleets and logistics vehicles in all cities by 2030.


Electric Vehicle (EV): An electric vehicle, or EV, utilizes energy stored in rechargeable batteries, which are replenished through standard household electricity. EVs encompass electric scooters/motorcycles, electric three-wheelers, electric cars, vans, buses, and other electric passenger vehicles.

EV Components: Key components of EVs comprise the motor controller, electric engine (motor), regenerative braking system, drive system, and associated parts/assemblies.

EV Battery: An electric vehicle battery (EVB) or traction battery powers the propulsion of battery electric vehicles (BEVs). These batteries are typically rechargeable secondary batteries. EV batteries do not include lead-acid batteries.

EV Battery Components: The battery pack comprises numerous discrete cells connected in series and parallel to meet the total voltage and current requirements of the pack. A battery is composed of smaller stacks called modules, which are integrated into a single pack. Modules also incorporate cooling mechanisms, temperature monitors, other devices, and a Battery Management System (BMS).

EV Charging Station & Equipment: An electric vehicle charging station is an infrastructure that provides electric energy for recharging electric vehicles. Charging station equipment includes charging posts, charging cabinets, and other relevant components.


The Demand Incentive provided by the State will supplement any subsidies offered by the Central Government through its promotional schemes and policies.

Incentives for all categories of electric vehicles will be determined based on the electric vehicle battery capacity, measured in kilowatt-hours (KWh), as outlined below:

How to Apply for ev Subsidy  in Assam Online Policy

The recipient may only avail of a subsidy from one State Government scheme. However, there are no restrictions on receiving subsidies or incentives from any Government of India scheme.

The maximum subsidy amount will not exceed 40% of the ex-factory price of the vehicle.

Electric vehicles in the 2, 3, and 4-wheeler categories will be exempt from registration charges and road tax for a duration of 5 years.

Parking charges for Electric Vehicles will be completely waived for a period of 5 years.

A retrofitment incentive of 15%, up to Rs. 15,000, will be provided for 3-seater auto-rickshaws.


The State Government will encourage the development of charging infrastructure with various capacities and technologies, promoting diverse business models such as privately-owned, DISCOM-owned, and investor-owned charging and battery swapping stations.

Commercial public EV charging stations for 2-wheelers, 3-wheelers, and 4-wheelers will be eligible for a 25% capital subsidy on equipment/machinery, up to a maximum limit of Rs. 10 lakhs per station. This incentive will be applicable to the first 500 commercial public EV charging stations.

Subsidies for charging stations will only be granted to developers, individuals, or entities that have not received similar subsidies under any State Government policy or scheme, unless explicitly stated otherwise in this policy.

All EV charging stations must comply with the charging guidelines and standards set by the Ministry of Power, Government of India, and the Power (E) Department, Government of Assam.

Petrol pumps will have the opportunity to establish charging stations provided they meet the prescribed fire and safety standards issued by competent authorities.

The State Government will waive 90% of the electricity duty for EV charging stations, with entrepreneurs being responsible for paying the remaining 10% during the policy period.

The tariff for new third-party-owned EV charging infrastructure will adhere to the tariff order set by the Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission (AERC) for utilities.


All regulations outlined in the Industrial & Investment Policy of Assam, 2019, or any subsequent Industrial Policies introduced by the State Government, will be applicable to enterprises seeking to establish manufacturing facilities in the EV sector.

Enterprises intending to establish manufacturing facilities in the EV sector will also be subject to all provisions of the North East Industrial Development Scheme (NEIDS), 2017, or any subsequent industrial policies for the North Eastern Region announced by the Central Government.

In addition to the 30% Capital Investment Subsidy available under NEIDS, 2017, or any subsequent policy from the Government of India/State Government, units engaged in the manufacturing of EVs or their components will qualify for the following additional incentives:

  • 20% of the cost of Plant & Machinery, up to Rs. 15 lakh for Micro Units
  • 20% of the cost of Plant & Machinery, up to Rs. 50 lakh for Small Units
  • 20% of the cost of Plant & Machinery, up to Rs. 1 crore for Medium Units
  • 10% of the cost of Plant & Machinery, up to Rs. 10 crore for Large Units

Additionally, units involved in the manufacturing of EVs or their components will be eligible for an additional Interest Subsidy of 2% on Working Capital Loans, in addition to the existing 3% Interest Subsidy on Working Capital Loans available under NEIDS, 2017, or any subsequent policy from the Government of India/State Government.


EV batteries typically require replacement once their capacity degrades to 70-80%. Thus, EVs are anticipated to outlast the batteries powering them, necessitating battery changes twice within a 10-year lifespan.

End-of-life batteries must undergo either reuse or recycling, as insufficient reuse or recycling poses significant environmental risks. Damaged EV batteries carry the risk of emitting toxic gases during disposal, while materials like lithium and cobalt are finite and costly to extract.

Encouraging the reuse of EV batteries at the end of their lifespan and promoting the establishment of recycling enterprises in collaboration with battery and EV manufacturers will focus on ‘Urban Mining’ of rare materials within batteries for reuse by battery manufacturers.

EV owners can return end-of-life vehicle batteries to any charging point or swapping station and receive a remunerative price for the battery. Disposal of EV batteries in any other manner, such as as scrap, will not be permitted.

A designated agency will be appointed to aggregate the purchase of EV batteries with at least 70% of their rated capacity. These batteries will be acquired from charging points and battery swapping stations and repurposed as ‘power banks’ to store renewable energy. Batteries procured in this manner will be auctioned to renewable energy generators within and outside Assam. The nodal agency will publish the purchase price of end-of-life batteries monthly, based on auction prices achieved and a margin for itself and the charging points and battery swapping stations.


The State Government will collaborate with leading Technical Institutes to establish Centers of Excellence dedicated to conducting market-oriented research on Battery Technologies, Battery Management, Motors, and Controllers.

Additionally, the Government will provide financial assistance to startups engaged in research and innovation within the EV and Battery Technologies domain.


A State Level Committee (SLC) will be established comprising the following members to oversee the implementation of the Policy and formulate necessary procedures and modalities as needed:

How to Apply for ev Subsidy  in Assam Online Policy

Terms of Reference of the State Level Committee:
i. Oversee the implementation of policy provisions within specified timeframes.
ii. Ensure timely issuance of relevant Orders/Government Notifications and necessary amendments.
iii. Facilitate inter-departmental coordination on matters pertaining to this Policy.
iv. Approve Fiscal Incentives outlined in the Policy.
v. Evaluate and analyze best practices adopted by different states/countries.
vi. The Committee may enlist experts in the field as members.
The State Government’s decision regarding the interpretation of any clause of the policy shall be conclusive and binding.


The State Government retains the authority to revise any provision(s), including amendments or withdrawal of incentives/subsidies, as deemed necessary to promote the EV ecosystem and in the interest of the general populace of the State, under the provisions of this Policy.

Furthermore, the State Government holds the prerogative to review matters concerning the sanctioning/dispensation of subsidies/incentives, with its decision being ultimate and obligatory.

The State Government also maintains the right to formulate/amend requisite rules for the implementation of this policy as deemed necessary.